[Gnso-bylaws-dt] REMINDER FOR REVIEW: Revised Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR 15 July 2019

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Tue Aug 13 14:53:54 UTC 2019

Dear ccNSO GRC and GNSO DT members,

Per the message below, this is a reminder that your review is requested not later than this Friday, 16 August.

Kind regards,
Julie & Ariel

From: Gnso-bylaws-dt <gnso-bylaws-dt-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 9:52 AM
To: ccnso-grc <ccnso-grc at icann.org>, "gnso-bylaws-dt at icann.org" <gnso-bylaws-dt at icann.org>
Cc: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>, Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org>, Bart Boswinkel <bart.boswinkel at icann.org>
Subject: [Gnso-bylaws-dt] REMINDER FOR REVIEW: Revised Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR 15 July 2019

Dear ccNSO GRC and GNSO DT members,

This is a reminder per the message below that it would be very helpful if you could review the draft of the Revised Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR 15 July 2019 (15 July 2019) at:

CLEAN VERSION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OnFqzjkFTJEw0rzvaiBqAKLVnbbli-c_5t9aV2TEt10/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1OnFqzjkFTJEw0rzvaiBqAKLVnbbli-2Dc-5F5t9aV2TEt10_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=adDIs0WEx_lLwFfrsdovxTYY8GkRHo5ibc8SR3Npdh8&m=G0N5OXY6NeDHHyZMkpIP7GzlbDjnPmFtbiD9e9NUWIc&s=xPSVS9PPlh6sL2hlElIrukQMVOoDbJLdPzPKpqnmQEw&e=> (permission set to suggestions/comment)
REDLINE VERSION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NnaaoWKJWUu0Cw3pphuvT0wycmMIXhQmYyy0daPmnbI/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1NnaaoWKJWUu0Cw3pphuvT0wycmMIXhQmYyy0daPmnbI_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=adDIs0WEx_lLwFfrsdovxTYY8GkRHo5ibc8SR3Npdh8&m=odWLyDp_-AF3di8ZD_VgP3ogEGD1xgAxNK3gPBTbPQU&s=Yynu4yOYHyUKg2jzR5bvG41qO59Ll8ZzjPIV_24eXF8&e=> (permission set to suggestions/comment)

We request that the members of your two groups should review at your earliest convenience, but not later than Friday, 16 August, the revised version of the guidelines.  If you have suggested edits/comments it will be very helpful if you could include them in the CLEAN version of the Google document.  The REDLINE version is primarily for reference.

Thank you very much for your consideration as we finalize these guidelines.

Kind regards,
Julie & Ariel
Julie Hedlund and Ariel Liang:

From: Gnso-bylaws-dt <gnso-bylaws-dt-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 6:50 PM
To: ccnso-grc <ccnso-grc at icann.org>, "gnso-bylaws-dt at icann.org" <gnso-bylaws-dt at icann.org>
Cc: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>, Bart Boswinkel <bart.boswinkel at icann.org>
Subject: [Gnso-bylaws-dt] FOR REVIEW: Revised Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR 15 July 2019

Dear ccNSO GRC and GNSO DT members,

The ccNSO GRC and the GNSO DT had a very productive joint meeting on Monday, 15 July, to review the questions and consider responses to the questions previously identified by the GRC (attached), and determine revisions to the guidelines.  Thanks to all who were available to attend that meeting and to participate.

Per the action items below from that meeting, please review the draft of the Revised Guidelines for GNSO-ccNSO Joint Consultation on Initiation of a Special IFR 15 July 2019 (15 July 2019) at:

CLEAN VERSION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OnFqzjkFTJEw0rzvaiBqAKLVnbbli-c_5t9aV2TEt10/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1OnFqzjkFTJEw0rzvaiBqAKLVnbbli-2Dc-5F5t9aV2TEt10_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=adDIs0WEx_lLwFfrsdovxTYY8GkRHo5ibc8SR3Npdh8&m=G0N5OXY6NeDHHyZMkpIP7GzlbDjnPmFtbiD9e9NUWIc&s=xPSVS9PPlh6sL2hlElIrukQMVOoDbJLdPzPKpqnmQEw&e=> (permission set to suggestions/comment)
REDLINE VERSION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NnaaoWKJWUu0Cw3pphuvT0wycmMIXhQmYyy0daPmnbI/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1NnaaoWKJWUu0Cw3pphuvT0wycmMIXhQmYyy0daPmnbI_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=adDIs0WEx_lLwFfrsdovxTYY8GkRHo5ibc8SR3Npdh8&m=G0N5OXY6NeDHHyZMkpIP7GzlbDjnPmFtbiD9e9NUWIc&s=G2-UfeS-s99ryJiklDC0CjP1_65LAJGgrvVmQQ67hm4&e=> (permission set to view)

Please also see Word versions of the clean and redlined documents, as well as a list of all draft documents including the current versions, on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/display/GBIDT/Templates+and+Guidelines.

GNSO DT Support Staff worked closely with Heather Forrest and David McCauley to revise the document to capture the action items and discussion in the Google and Word documents.  We request that the members of your two groups should review at your earliest convenience the revised version of the guidelines.  If you have suggested edits/comments it will be very helpful if you could include them in the CLEAN version of the Google document.  The REDLINE version is primarily for reference.

Thank you very much for your consideration as we finalize these guidelines.

Kind regards,
Julie & Ariel
Julie Hedlund and Ariel Liang

From: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>
Date: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 8:45 AM
To: ccnso-grc <ccnso-grc at icann.org>, Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>, Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org>
Subject: NOTES: GRC | Monday, 15 July 2019 at 12:00 UTC

Hello everyone.

Please find included below the notes and action items the joint meeting between the GRC and the GNSO drafting team on Monday, 15 July 2019 at 12:00 UTC

Best regards,

Joke Braeken


Action item #1:
Q3. David McAuley to suggest alternative language, with added flexibility.
[completed by Julie Hedlund]

Action item #2:
Q5. David McAuley to suggest alternative language
Q5. GNSO staff to verify the guideline to ensure there is a formal reference in the guidelines to note that the work is concluded.

Action item #3:
Julie Hedlund to update the guidelines document based on today’s discussion, and share the revised text with the GNSO DT, and GRC. Incorporate the timing into the guideline document.

Action item #4:
Staff will adjust the timeline to show the maximum and minimum timing


  1.  Welcome and roll call
Attendance will be taken based on who is on Zoom.  Apologies from:  Alyssa Moore.  Calls will be recorded and posted on the public wiki.  Please remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking.

2.                  Special IFR
Julie Hedlund: questions from the previous meeting. Edits/suggestions in red by David McAuley.
David McAuley: 5 questions displayed on screen. Suggestions by David to the GNSO design team.

Q1. when to establish sIFR?
First to PTI Board, then to ICANN CEO and then to the Board.

Q2. GNSO and ccNSO councils working together.
SICT to issue statement, and mention both councils signed off on it.
Support by Heather. Helpful to have guidelines. Flexible timing is appreciated.

Q3. even distribution of the work
Suggestion for SICT to keep duties under 5.4 and 5.6 and council deals with 5.5. (deciding whether to request a public comment period). “The councils may determine that …” More flexibility might be needed in the phrasing: avoid being too prescriptive.

Action item #1:
Q3. David McAuley to suggest alternative language, with added flexibility.
[completed by Julie Hedlund]

Q4. other avenues to address the PTI issue
Alternative language suggested
Steve Del Bianco: It’s an excellent idea to require consideration of alternative means to address an IANA functions problem.
Bart: ICT to suggest to councils to look into alternative means to address the issue around PTI performance. When looking at the timeline, it becomes an issue.

Q5. closing down SICT if the CSC manages to fix the problem.
No alternative language suggested yet by David.
Bart: close the loop, the process to avoid unclarity on whether to proceed or not.
Heather: do we have a formal way of communicating - regardless of whether SICT has concluded its work or not?

Action item #2:
Q5. David McAuley to suggest alternative language
Q5. GNSO staff to verify the guideline to ensure there is a formal reference in the guidelines to note that the work is concluded.

Action item #3:
Julie Hedlund to update the guidelines document based on today’s discussion, and share the revised text with the GNSO DT, and GRC. Incorporate the timing into the guideline document.

Bart: speaks to the timeline. Starting point is when CSC sends a formal notification of the GNSO and ccNSO councils. In the meanwhile the CSC did already some actions under the Remedial Action Procedure. Min 10 days before the notification. More realistically: 30 days.
During that period, when the Board is informed by the CSC: good timing for the coordination group to be established. Do every year a reminder. Starting point (day 0): CSC notifies both councils (use a template). Review actions: how long this will take is determined by internal procedures. 3 weeks, maybe less. Inform the Board, and then the Board will call a special review to commence. Call for volunteers, run by ICANN Org.

Action item #4:
Staff will adjust the timeline to show the maximum and minimum timing

Next steps: once the update document is being shared, GRC to review.

Absolute minimum: bylaw requirement? Flexibility not to launch a public consultation.so you can get rid of 45 days.
Critical part: how long do the councils need?

GNSO staff to share the document by the end of the week. Suggestion to conclude the work by the end of August.

3.                  AOB

4.                  Closure

Thank you all.

Joke Braeken
ccNSO Policy Advisor
joke.braeken at icann.org<mailto:joke.braeken at icann.org>

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