[GNSO-CCOICI] Agenda and PPT Slides

Saewon Lee saewon.lee at icann.org
Mon Apr 15 19:58:04 UTC 2024

Dear CCOICI Team,

We hope this email finds you safely.

For our next meeting on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 13:00 UTC, kindly find the proposed agenda below (also shared via ppt slides in the pdf format attached):

  1.  Welcome and SOI Updates (5 mins)
  2.  Survey Review & Data Analysis (15 mins)
  3.  Discussion on Survey Results (15 mins)
  4.  CIP-CCG Updates (15 mins)
  5.  Next Steps (5 mins)
  6.  AOB (5 mins)

Per Agenda Item #2, kindly refer to the attached ppt slides, focusing on pp.5-20, pertaining to the results and analysis of the Pilot Survey conducted during Feb.-Mar. 2024. Your kind review of the contents prior to the meeting will be greatly appreciated, allowing for a productive discussion during Agenda Item #3.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Kind regards,
Julie, Berry, and Saewon.

Saewon Lee
Policy Development Support Manager for GNSO
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: +1 (310) 463-5541
Email: saewon.lee at icann.org<mailto:saewon.lee at icann.org>
Skype: saewon.lee.icann
Website: www.icann.org<http://www.icann.org>

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