[Gnso-dmpm-wg] Attendance and MP3 DMPM call 15 September 2015 at 21:00 UTC

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Wed Sep 16 01:11:59 UTC 2015

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for Data and Metrics for Policy Making Working Group call on Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 21:00 UTC at: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-dmpm-15sep15-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsvzbuPvoQG6IM9573dPVrAPf6QeY-2BETCL-2BdG9AchfmbAA-3D-3D_nEX-2FaOijqgcJlSz5SkmueJu3tRbmaDiuX89gT35tStEeSHP9whdoceObpMxYsFLQddiMZpQjIv8dk6BsBGSJXH7VWN4SGLCJgbGKCk6E-2FTErjF4OKNQt65Dk9NF54IJ9kQpmDNySj7bbNz9G4dXi5BgbCZotTx8KNfyeB0z00f8KsMfETeTNKd7vy2kKI7tttQUIwid4NAhxXgT3nZYwmhn3bnU5c5SDUfscESfMKdY5akZU3tSlbyIKfiRgyDTwhK7UZhdeqhSuP6R0WHn-2FdQg2k7T5zRL6xlllmtycbQtLwkbjizhA4dSYuCqgXVZrr67w20HfOxCK4vmDcxx-2F6MF5RCTESikf5oWBLwJD2w2CVjDT-2BLvMXKF1yJzfbcAoXz4TFREvFnvaGRxHZmG3kqQhTVB3UJXNKTbgD5TZD0n5ieTddMkxUoYCDP5RBFfD6yd1MtKfnE862WnsaDn8a7-2F-2B-2FnC3wv0SbpiKllh0Xo-2BlCtQZUw3ZQPPkl6GhTN72>

On page:http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#s<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#sep>ep<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#sep>

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:



Cheryl Langdon-Orr - At-Large

Jonathan Zuck - IPC

Pam Little - RySG

Tony Onorato - Individual

Sara Bockey - RrSG

Sonigitu Ekpe - NCUC

Graeme Bunton - RrSG

Benjamin Akinmoyeje- NCUC

Janvier Ngnoulaye - Afrinic

Nenad Orlic - ISPCP



ICANN staff:

Berry Cobb
Steve Chan

Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-dmpm-wg/

Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/Eyx-Ag

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Data & Metrics for Policy Making Working Group teleconference  on 15th September 2015.

  Sonigitu Ekpe:Greetings to All!

  Terri Agnew:@Sonigitu your audio seems to be breaking up

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):sorry. trying to get my microphone working

  CLO:terri still an add noisy line

  Graeme Bunton:Sonigitu, could you mute your line please?

  CLO:sadly  missed  but this new schedule shiuld work  we may have to do a longer call or two

  Sonigitu Ekpe:I need to mute my mic for now.

  CLO:unsync the doc?

  CLO:OK  NP  you know me  I'm a tad impationet Berry ;-)

  Sonigitu Ekpe:My mic seems to be faulty

  Sonigitu Ekpe:I have been trying to mute but it seems not working

  CLO:I like that we have 'stolen'  the best bits methodologies from other CWG's   it goes to "continuous improvement"

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):makes sense

  CLO:all good

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Benjamin Akinmoyeje

  Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria):thank you Terri

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):makes sense

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Janvier Ngnoulaye

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):agree

  Janvier Ngnoulaye:Thank you Terri

  Pam Little:Qualitative data is much harder to define, collect or interpret...

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):and we use it a LOT now. improvements can be had but to date we haven't used quantative data sucessfully

  Sonigitu Ekpe:Where do Open data come in

  CLO:Pam there are Survey COmpanies  Big Pulse (who already work with ICANN Included) that do this day by day for lots of topics though... yes it is an artform though

  CLO:True Jonathan VERY  true!

  CLO:perfect example


  CLO:looks like an agree from us ... note it and make the slight changes to the template as Berry suggests

  Pam Little:+ 1

  CLO:we could NOTE  thst  nd YE  a Hints and Tips  would be gret !

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):works for me

  Janvier Ngnoulaye:+1

  Sonigitu Ekpe:+1


  Pam Little:Agreed, Jonathan.

  Tony onorato:finally got into Adobe connect mobile +1

  Pam Little:Contracted parties may have concern about this.

  CLO:not make the recommendation but rather recognise the need to keep this (even as a management of the procurement process)  way in the future

  Sara Bockey:+1 @Pam

  CLO:Ys I beleive we will ALWAYS need 3rd parties , thus my return to support the retainers  suggestions from this comment

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Nenad Orlic

  Pam Little:+ 1

  CLO:That is tru  so AGreement and 'embellishment " ;-)

  CLO:true  Berry  that needs a fix

  CLO:I agreed with your points Berry  so Yes to FIX/ update

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):Mercedes version. Nice!

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):it's not there yet

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):agree

  CLO:LOL   I prefer the DB7 or maybe a Vanquish... to the Lambo anyway ;-)

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):yeah, I Think we use the same response but this is generally supportive

  CLO:agree Jonathan

 Pam Little:I believe Google is a member of the BC.

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):seeing it in 12 as well

  Pam Little:So do we count that as two comments or one comment from Google?

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):two but with the same response to each

  CLO:They are`2 comments IMO

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):indeed but we have to assume the BC had the chance to review

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):whew

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):aside from that

  CLO:indeed!  Jonathasn still parsing

  Pam Little:yes

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):good job people!

  CLO:lots covered  more next eek :-)

  Tony onorato:terrific thanks berry

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):I had a 2am call this morning and a 5 hour meeting with George so yeah, I can stop here

  Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria):Yes  I learnt a lot tonight

  Jonathan Zuck (IPC):thanks for all  the staff work making this manageable!

  CLO:Thanks Berry

  Sara Bockey:thank you everyone!

  Pam Little:Thanks to Berry and ICANN staff.

  Nenad Orlić:bye

  Pam Little:Excellent support.

  Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria):thanx

  Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria):thanx


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