[gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam] PLEASE REVIEW: Abuse Small Team proposed text for GNSO Council agenda

Marika Konings marika.konings at icann.org
Tue Apr 18 11:03:26 UTC 2023

Per Mark’s request, I’ve created a short briefing for Council that should include all the relevant background information as well as the preliminary conclusion that Mark circulated which can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tqnLwSa8sTb0Hqt_MmMY-FYPaNKad_b1/edit. Please provide any input you may have in the form of comments.

Best regards,


From: gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam <gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Mark Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com>
Date: Monday, 17 April 2023 at 22:51
To: "gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam at icann.org" <gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam at icann.org>
Subject: [gnso-dnsabuse-smallteam] PLEASE REVIEW: Abuse Small Team proposed text for GNSO Council agenda


During the next next GNSO Council meeting, we are on schedule to provide an update the matter of bulk registrations. Based on the input of the members who were present, I drafted a short text that explains our current position on the matter.

I have asked Marika to include whatever final version we arrive at, plus the letters, for Council to be able to follow our discussion.

Text for review:

The DNS Abuse Small Team understands that bulk registrations have a variety of legitimate uses, but also recognizes their potential malicious use. The lack of available data that was consistently mentioned in the answers received by us is precisely what makes it difficult to assess if this is an issue worth pursuing or what are the best avenues available. We would like to understand what measures are currently adopted by the Contracted Parties in relation to bulk registrations in the context of whatever constitutes an unusual volume of registrations for their normal operation, with the understanding that this is not a static number and each actor has their own reference. Bulk registrations might be a target worth pursuing for the betterment of the DNS, but also might be the wrong lead to follow. Therefore, we position that more research and data are needed to accurately make decision to direct the energy of the ICANN community. We would like to hear from interested parties about their experiences in a formal or informal manner, and use the team as a focal point for the evaluation of this subject.
Mark W. Datysgeld [markwd.website [markwd.website]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/markwd.website__;!!PtGJab4!8iKxDL8BHEOmCXPdVSXbQjfBeAilJK5YizXLeC0SyYI_uft-1nvGSlWSXgOA9sk-Q0omSz3FzwrYKWz1OE60HN_v2h_M6A$>]
Director at Governance Primer [governanceprimer.com [governanceprimer.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/governanceprimer.com__;!!PtGJab4!8iKxDL8BHEOmCXPdVSXbQjfBeAilJK5YizXLeC0SyYI_uft-1nvGSlWSXgOA9sk-Q0omSz3FzwrYKWz1OE60HN9ztTwbgg$>]
ICANN GNSO Councilor
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