[Gnso-epdp-idn-team] Extending IDN EPDP Team Call to 90 Minutes

Nigel Hickson nigel.hickson at dcms.gov.uk
Fri Nov 5 08:39:12 UTC 2021

Ariel cc as above

Good morning; thank you for this. I understand that, in many circumstances,
a 90 minute session may be needed, but I do not think we should
automatically assign 90 minutes for all sessions, this decision perhaps
resting with the Chair depending on the proposed agenda.



On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 19:31, Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear EPDP Team members,
> Staff are following up on the question about extending our weekly call to
> 90 minutes.
> *13:30-15:00 UTC on Thursday* seems to be the timeslot that can
> accommodate all time zones represented in the EPDP Team, although it can be
> challenging for some regions.
> If there is no objection from the EPDP Team, staff will start scheduling
> future calls in that slot (starting on 18 November). If you have objection
> or any concerns, please share on the mailing list by *COB Thursday, 11
> November*.
> Thank you,
> Ariel
> Ariel Xinyue Liang
> Policy Sr. Specialist
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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