[Gnso-epdp-idn-team] 15 MINUTES **REMINDER** Meeting Invitation | IDNs EPDP Team | Thursday, 06 January 2022 at 13:30 UTC

Devan Reed devan.reed at icann.org
Thu Jan 6 13:16:17 UTC 2022

Dear all,

The IDNs EPDP Team meeting is scheduled on Thursday, 06 January 2022 at 13:30 UTC for 90 minutes.

Please click link to join the webinar: https://icann.zoom.us/j/94276275950?pwd=dG5hanFzMlpsYmh0NnFjTEQwOUV1dz09 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/94276275950?pwd=dG5hanFzMlpsYmh0NnFjTEQwOUV1dz09__;!!PtGJab4!vhdeRRwE98BlkOd2PUPsFRTYJKaFKeyQpBgGXP-i_wtca2IEoW8Q1QEmNd_NZqgl_cfuT6Y$>
Passcode: !!0tV0Wh&K

For Audio only:
One tap mobile :
US: +13017158592,,94276275950#,,,,*5259149775#  or +13126266799,,94276275950#,,,,*5259149775#

Webinar ID: 942 7627 5950
Passcode: 5259149775
International numbers available: https://icann.zoom.us/u/adP1jJ0gRH <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/u/adP1jJ0gRH__;!!PtGJab4!vanPD1fIfUET-x0XQvlg6JcetmJBlVYK3RYkK6talajROC0sPlwOCjlpxBDsXNJK4gB0qhKg-g$>

If this is your first time with Zoom, please take a look here: Welcome to Zoom <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2020/presentation/welcometozoom-gnso-27apr20-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!tsJj5IoP00gCZ3NQG24dUo3ickZCBj1_3KrYNlJrupEm0oreD2gEkgjcXukr6-lmrALx_wlyMQ$>

                    Members, participants, and observers all have different access and participation directions, please read below!

ALL: Before joining the call

  *   Please send dial out requests to gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org> only
  *   Please be sure you have read the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en__;!!PtGJab4!qTujILFv0Cs7zDTfO6l6F4sGBGn-ps__98Xyocm3IfF4Hkbm7fE5RbGBuHjy-SveLvg7QDTTXg$>

  *   Visit the Wiki agenda page:  https://community.icann.org/x/h4H3Cg
  *   Check your time zone: ttps://tinyurl.com/2p88cjd8 [tinyurl.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/2p88cjd8__;!!PtGJab4!t_pSZ99eMzndulL0VptHYKl5kP0iYJzPo4SIWd-pw8w_ac0eJGWual4lxC7-u0FAc153i_WO1Q$>

ONLY for Members and Participants

  *   Please join via the above Main Zoom Webinar link and staff will promote you to panelist.
  *   Please select Everyone, when posting to the chat in order for everyone to see and to be captured afterwards.
Only for Observers:

  *   Observers will have ability to view member chat and information shared in the zoom webinar room.
  *   Observers will not be able to use chat or raise hands.

Thank you.
Kind regards,

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