[Gnso-epdp-idn-team] Please read: Welcome to ICANN74!

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Sun Jun 12 20:25:16 UTC 2022

Dear all!

Welcome to ICANN74! Please read the below for smooth session running 😊

For members on-site please ensure to arrive ten mins early to enter the GNSO sessions and allow for the meeting to start on time. There will be name checks at the room entrance and this may take a little time. Sessions will kick off on time, and end on time.

GNSO sessions will have a secondary room (Yangtze) with screens and standalone microphones. Members who have not managed to sign up to a specific GNSO session, will be able to follow from the secondary room.

Coffee and snacks will be available in the foyer outside the GNSO Room (Amazon) .

Looking forward to seeing you all on-site and remote!

Thank you!

Kind regards,


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