[Gnso-epdp-idn-team] [EPDP-IDNs P2] Draft Initial Report - Request for Review

Hickson, Nigel (DSIT) nigel.hickson at dsit.gov.uk
Tue Apr 9 21:53:28 UTC 2024

Donna and colleagues

Good evening and many apologies for this very late response.  The Initial Report is a substantial piece of work and a tribute to your work and guidance, and of course the brilliant ICANN team.

Think Michael has made some valuable points below, though have not had time to go through all of them.  Think would be good to move forward and seek comments from Community.



-----Original Message-----
From: Gnso-epdp-idn-team <gnso-epdp-idn-team-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Donna austin
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 11:15 AM
To: Michael Bauland <Michael.Bauland at knipp.de>
Cc: gnso-epdp-idn-team at icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-idn-team] [EPDP-IDNs P2] Draft Initial Report - Request for Review

Thank you Michael, and yes some slight palpitations as I read your message.

I look forward to comments from others, but I think we can accommodate most of your suggestions.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 8 Apr 2024, at 5:53 pm, Michael Bauland <Michael.Bauland at knipp.de> wrote:
> Hi Donna, hi all,
> I think we have to take the next 6 months to re-visit most of the recommendations in light of the new information and because ... ok, just kidding (I hope I didn't cause a heart attack for Donna). In general I'm also fine with going for public comment with the current version.
> There are some very minor points, that I found when reading the document, which should be easily fixable (if at all necessary).
> p.8 Section 2.3 says:
> "In addition, as IDN table harmonization was one of the most challenging topics for the EPDP Team during Phase 2, the members from the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) and ICANN org worked together collaboratively [...]".
> I believe one registrar representative also contributed to some of those discussions. If registrars were left out on purpose, e.g., because most of the work has been done by registries, then I'm also fine with leaving it the way it is. But if it simply was on oversight, we should probably add registrars in some way, too.
> In the Glossary (p.27), the definition of "Variant Domain Set" says:
> "The set of variant domain names that are derived from and also includes the source domain name."
> I think there is a grammatical error here and it should either be:
> "The set of variant domain names that IS derived from and also includes the source domain name."
> or
> The set of variant domain names that are derived from and also INCLUDE the source domain name."
> Depending on whether "that" refers to the "set" or the "variant domain names", but it should not be changed in the middle of the sentence.
> p.29, list of Charter Questions:
> I would suggest to always have a blank after a comma, just like in "Charter Questions G1, 1a"), otherwise it looks ugly (to me).
> p.137/138 membership and attendance
> I would suggest to add "Vice-Chair" to Justine's entry. Or at least Vice-Chair until XXX, and correspondingly state "Vice-Chair since XXX" to Farell's entry.
> I think Justine's long and helpful role as Vice-Chair should not be forgotten.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> --
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