[Gnso-epdp-legal] Proposed agenda - EPDP Phase 2A Legal Committee Meeting #12

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Mon Apr 12 18:20:21 UTC 2021

Dear EPDP Phase 2A Legal Committee,


Please find below the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s Legal Committee Meeting.


EPDP Phase 2A 

Legal Committee – Meeting #12

Proposed Agenda

Tuesday 13 April 2021 at 14.00 UTC


1.                            Roll Call & SOI Updates 


2.                            Review Legal Guidance Received ( <https://go.icann.org/3mq0Dmi> https://go.icann.org/3mq0Dmi)


a.	Question 4 (regarding options for contact address masking)

*	Legal Committee Discussion
*	Follow-up questions/clarifications necessary?
*	Confirm next steps


3.                            Legal natural Comparison Discussion

a.	Legal natural - write up legal guidance comparison: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DeGhK8hSKPbGG9Iao7IQIk9cvK-RK5Am21ELHpb921Y/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs 
b.	Legal vs. Natural write-up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OF_bSxXaiGwK_-jWVC8oq-weXMaX7iEVCWWTMhw9Jyg/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs 
c.	Prep for plenary


4.                            Wrap and confirm action items and homework (if any)

a.	Confirm action items and homework
b.	Next Legal Committee meeting will be Wednesday, 14 April at 14:00 UTC (if needed)

















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