[Gnso-epdp-legal] definitions

Becky Burr becky.burr at board.icann.org
Tue Feb 16 15:34:51 UTC 2021


Thanks. for a productive call this morning.  Please review the following

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Pseudonymous email
contact with the phrase "Registrant-based email contact", defined as:  “A
pseudonymized email for all domains registered by a unique registrant
[sponsored by a given Registrar] OR [across Registrars].

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Anonymous email contact"
with the phrase "Registration-based email contact", defined as “A separate
single use pseudonymized email for each domain  name registered by a unique

The Legal Team notes that the question of persistence over time (i.e., are
the emails changed on a periodic basis) is a policy question for the

Please raise any objections over email in the next 24 hours.


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