[Gnso-epdp-legal] definitions

Crossman, Matthew mmcross at amazon.com
Fri Feb 19 17:30:17 UTC 2021

Thanks for the explanation Becky. Recognizing that we want to send these today, I won’t stand in the way if others are onboard. I think if we get questions from the plenary, your explanation below is useful to provide further clarity about our thinking on this issue (e.g., the distinction between “intended to be anonymous” vs. “is anonymous”).

From: Becky Burr <becky.burr at board.icann.org>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 7:25 AM
To: Crossman, Matthew <mmcross at amazon.com>
Cc: gnso-epdp-legal at icann.org
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [Gnso-epdp-legal] definitions

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yes Matt,

you are correct - that is what we agreed on our Tuesday call.  On Thursday morning, however, several members of the legal committee expressed a desire to retain the notion that under certain limited circumstances third parties would not have access to information needed to make the information identifiable, making the data "anonymous" in some sense to those third parties.  Although this approach is arguably inconsistent with a straight reading of the GDPR definition of anonymous, I think we've discussed the fact that the ECJ has issued decisions that could be read to suggest that context is a meaningful distinction in determining whether or not data is personal data.  (Here, with respect to context, Bird & Bird has already opined that no registration data should be considered "anonymous" under the GDPR because anyone with a legitimate and proportionate interest will have access to data (redacted registration data) that would link the pseudonymous email address to an identifiable person.)

Nonetheless, several members of the Legal Team noted that this concept of "anonymous in context" was discussed extensively in previous phases of the epdp and that it should be retained as a valuable indication of the group's thinking.  These participants were uncomfortable with dropping the anonymity concept altogether given its history in the epdp context. This is somewhat complicated by the fact that Bird & Bird itself used the labels provided by the epdp, including the

Of course, whatever is "intended" in any particular situation, the question of whether or not data is anonymous (and therefore not personal data) is a question of fact to be determined, ultimately, by European courts.  The substituted terms and associated definitions are, IMHO, a significant improvement over the previous "anonymous email" phrase and attempt at compromise in order to facilitate the plenary discussions.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 12:59 AM Crossman, Matthew <mmcross at amazon.com<mailto:mmcross at amazon.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble understanding the “which is intended to be anonymous data when processed by non-contracted parties” revision. I thought we agreed (based on the legal advice already received from Bird & Bird) that because a link is maintained between the email address and the data subject, this does not meet the legal definition of anonymous data even from the perspective of a third party (“Looking at the "reasonably likely means" test, as interpreted in Breyer, the data would still seem to be personal from the perspective of a third party.  This is particularly the case since the third parties will use the masked e-mail address to contact the data subject, and/or (in option (a)) to find other domain names associated with that data subject (see also Nowak's reference to data being considered "related to" a particular data subject by reason of its "purpose or effect"). This seems like we are introducing a concept that the legal advice has already opined is likely not possible, which I’m afraid may lead to further confusion in the plenary. I would be fine mirroring the language in the first revision (pseudonymous rather than anonymous) as I think that more accurately captures the status of that data.

Let me know if I’m misunderstanding the purpose of that revision.


From: Gnso-epdp-legal <gnso-epdp-legal-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-epdp-legal-bounces at icann.org>> On Behalf Of Becky Burr
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 9:11 AM
To: gnso-epdp-legal at icann.org<mailto:gnso-epdp-legal at icann.org>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [Gnso-epdp-legal] definitions

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As discussed, the following is being circulated to the Legal Team based on our discussion this morning.  Absent objection (accompanied by an explanation of the objection), these definitions will be forwarded to the plenary at COB PST tomorrow (Friday).

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Pseudonymous email contact with the phrase "Registrant-based email contact", defined as:  “`an email for all domains registered by a unique registrant [sponsored by a given Registrar] OR [across Registrars], which is intended to be pseudonymous data when processed by non-contracted parties.

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Anonymous email contact" with the phrase "Registration-based email contact", defined as “A separate  single use email for each domain  name registered by a unique registrant, which is intended to be anonymous data when processed by non-contracted parties.”

The Legal Team notes that the question of persistence over time (i.e., are the emails changed on a periodic basis) is a policy question for the plenary.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:34 AM Becky Burr <becky.burr at board.icann.org<mailto:becky.burr at board.icann.org>> wrote:

Thanks. for a productive call this morning.  Please review the following definitions:

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Pseudonymous email contact with the phrase "Registrant-based email contact", defined as:  “A pseudonymized email for all domains registered by a unique registrant [sponsored by a given Registrar] OR [across Registrars].

The Legal Team proposes replacement of the phrase "Anonymous email contact" with the phrase "Registration-based email contact", defined as “A separate  single use pseudonymized email for each domain  name registered by a unique registrant”

The Legal Team notes that the question of persistence over time (i.e., are the emails changed on a periodic basis) is a policy question for the plenary.

Please raise any objections over email in the next 24 hours.



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