[Gnso-epdp-legal] Feasibility of unique contacts consolidated questions

Caitlin Tubergen caitlin.tubergen at icann.org
Wed Mar 3 03:50:01 UTC 2021

Sent on behalf of Becky Burr:

Dear ePDP Legal Team colleagues:

Please see my attempt at consolidating and streamlining the questions regarding Feasibility of Unique Contacts. [Note from staff: Please find Becky’s updated question in the Google Doc, beginning on p.5: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UCP86uPZJBA_oh_4lfa6GwisfqnXUgbi5kdq-VOQCS0/edit#]

Keeping in mind the timeline for the epdp's work, please comment ASAP on the following items:

Have I failed to capture any important and material aspects of your question, and would any missing questions contribute meaningfully to moving the work of the plenary forward.
Are the questions as written relevant and in-scope to the work of the epdp phase 2a?
Are the questions likely to result in responses from B&B that would contribute meaningfully to moving the work of the plenary forward?
Given the time pressures that Keith discussed, please (i) resist the temptation to add new questions and (ii) provide your input by COB on Friday, 5 March 2021.  This will enable me to recirculate revised questions if necessary in advance of our call on Tuesday.  We should make every effort to complete our work during that call, which I once again propose to extend to 90 minutes

Thank you
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