[gnso-gac-closed-generics] REMINDER - Closing shortly | Doodle - Need completed | Facilitated Dialogue on the topic of Closed Generics gTLDs | week of 14 November 2022

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Thu Nov 10 13:48:43 UTC 2022

Thank you to those who have completed the doodle.

For those who have not, this will be closing shortly.

**Last reminder to complete.

Hello all,

Please complete the doodle to schedule the next Facilitated Dialogue on the topic of Closed Generics gTLDs meeting the week of 14 November 2022. This doodle will close Thursday, 10 November 2022.

Doodle: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dGvQN4Kb [doodle.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dGvQN4Kb__;!!PtGJab4!5ECRWZXbRdTWEVsP2-m5IyPhXEM7jxVZhn-5O_noBNYd0BaOBWxIe9Rk9JfQkqcptDSDvBCFI7wachTmuKksA5enhtzI$>

Thank you.

Kind regards,


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