[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Next Steps

Melissa Peters Allgood melissa.allgood at icann.org
Thu Nov 17 16:24:32 UTC 2022

Hello all,

Thank you for taking part in the initial two discussions on Participant Commitments. Your engagement is much appreciated.

As we discussed at ICANN75, it’s essential that this group has a shared understanding of the problem you are attempting to solve and what you hope to accomplish before we can tackle the substantive issues. This is particularly important when we are going to be discussing issues where there are divergent views across the community and on which the community has previously tried but has not reached consensus. My goal remains creating opportunity for all of you to engage with one another as you work toward common understanding. In order to find a degree of success within this challenge, it is incumbent upon all to engage with one another in a transparent and solution-focused manner. As we’ve discussed, this is not a PDP so having a clear agreement on what participation means in this dialogue is important.

Given where we are on the Participant Commitments, I would like to make a proposal for how we can maximize our limited time. I suggest we begin substantive asynchronous work in parallel to completing the remaining foundational work that has been the focus of our recent calls.

Attached to this email is Asynchronous Work #1. This is a brainstorming exercise intended to identify broad areas of alignment. I ask that you each respond to the questions asked by editing directly into the document.


Additionally, having not received any further inputs regarding the request for a Board Liaison, I will initiate that request today.

Finally, please be on the lookout for a second email from me which will be focused on the remaining points under discussion for our foundational work. In this regard, I ask that everyone bears in mind that the Participant Commitments are intended to reflect the GAC and GNSO understanding of the basis of this dialogue at a high level. As such, I encourage you to focus on any fundamental points of disagreement in principle or divergence from that common understanding rather than on wordsmithing the text.

Please feel free to further engage on the mailing list or by responding to this email.

Many thanks,


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