[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics - Updates for 3 April Call

Alan Barrett alan.barrett at board.icann.org
Sat Apr 1 03:20:07 UTC 2023

I am sorry, I will miss this call.

Alan Barrett

On Sat 1 Apr 2023, 01:00 Melissa Peters Allgood, <melissa.allgood at icann.org>

> Hello all,
> Since our last call, I’ve had the opportunity to caucus with a number of
> you regarding our approach to substance of the framework, as well as
> process-related needs and concerns. I’ve heard that many of you need a
> closed generics framework that encapsulates enough substance as to be
> considered credible by your community groups, remaining policy development
> work notwithstanding.
> As it is my job to ensure that I do all possible to create space for
> meaningful and productive conversations, I ask we pivot our approach to the Discussion
> Draft – Preliminary Framework for Closed Generic gTLDs v2.
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit> I
> would like to start the 3 April call on page 9, Applying for a Closed
> Generic gTLD. This section tackles many of the public interest
> considerations that are essential to reaching your framework goals. If you
> haven’t yet fully reviewed this section, I ask you do so now.
> We will move bullet by bullet through this section. I will first take
> comments from the document and ask if anyone has any questions on the text.
> I request any subsequent discussion is limited to new information and/or
> clarification.  This is not the time to relitigate any point, but rather to
> identify where the group has shared understanding and where you don’t. I
> will then ask for your green/red reaction to the text under discussion.
> Your inputs will be captured and I will ask those who abstain or react with
> red for explanation. Once we’ve gone through the entire document, framework
> elements with broad shared understanding will form the basis of the final
> framework. You will have the opportunity to react to the framework as a
> whole before it moves to the broader community.
> During this call we will revisit the updated proposed schedule and will
> reserve time for any AOB.
> This is a challenging topic and a new way of collaboration. I sincerely
> appreciate your continued dedication and hard work.
> Melissa
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