[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Documents

Melissa Peters Allgood melissa.allgood at icann.org
Fri Feb 17 22:48:24 UTC 2023

Hello all,

Below you will find links to our active documents. The Closed Generics documents wiki<https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=218464720> provides access to the google drive.

Foundation for a Closed Generics Framework<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyMIa8ktcLT2Td4Wi-UxHP2GaRLT7rJR5RFgPg8ZnYA/edit>
Here we’ve attempted to incorporate the shared understandings found in the Facilitator’s Document<https://docs.google.com/document/d/16peOOMO3v2eS4LlVHbZlrSFN4Wt_KpfQ4ETMBDyPLmY/edit> (outputs from the hybrid meeting plus those from the 6 February call) with the inputs from our 15 February call. You will find shared understandings from previous work in black text, while jamboard group inputs are in red and blue text, respectively. We will walk through this document in detail during our 20 February call, but I encourage you to take a look at it before we meet. As always, feel free to comment.

Please note, outstanding questions/issues gathered from all sessions are found in the Facilitator’s Document.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/16peOOMO3v2eS4LlVHbZlrSFN4Wt_KpfQ4ETMBDyPLmY/edit> We are navigating these matters in a variety of different ways, including the Asynchronous Work detailed here, but the repository remains this document.

Asynchronous Work #7 - Definitions<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vRHpMrWyaJjgv0jyJXAeO6RuE56ImeFe61-mNobL3M8/edit>
Please comment if you’d like your point of view discussed during our 27 February call.

Asynchronous Work #8 - Threats/Risks<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fq9PBOJv2PjW8bqYqpeZjLHYYddua7th1FhumUGfF4Y/edit>
Please comment if you’d like your point of view discussed during our 6 March call.

Wishing all a lovely weekend. See you Monday at 12:30 UTC.

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