[gnso-gac-closed-generics] REMINDER | Response is needed | Approach to Remaining Closed Generics Facilitated Dialogue Work

Nigel Hickson nigel.hickson at dcms.gov.uk
Mon Jul 17 16:46:39 UTC 2023

Melissa and Terri cc as above

Good afternoon; thanks you for this; like Phillipe happy with the Note
below but with the point raised that we do not think we can set an absolute
"deadline" for responses of ALAC/GNSO and GAC as essentially it is for
these SO/ACs to determine what course of action they take; though of course
we can *ask *for responses in such a time frame;



On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 17:35, <philippe.fouquart at orange.com> wrote:

> Thanks Melissa. I am indeed in agreement with this record of our call.
> I assume we are talking about both a new list yet to be created which
> observers will be free to join and a new public archive of that same list
> on the wikispace. I suppose the list of those read-only members may or may
> not be available, which doesn’t make a lot of difference since the archive
> is public.
> Regards,
> Philippe
> Orange Restricted
> *From:* gnso-gac-closed-generics <
> gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> *On Behalf Of *Terri Agnew
> *Sent:* Monday, July 17, 2023 2:23 PM
> *To:* gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
> *Subject:* [gnso-gac-closed-generics] REMINDER | Response is needed |
> Approach to Remaining Closed Generics Facilitated Dialogue Work
> ***Reminder:  respond to the email below by *18 July 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
> Thank you!
> Hello all,
> We dedicated our 10 July discussion to determining how the group wants to
> navigate the next phase of your work. Below please find a summary of our
> discussion.
> *Compiling Community Feedback*
> As community feedback is submitted, it is being publicly archived
> <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/closed-generics-feedback/> on the Closed
> Generics wiki page
> <https://community.icann.org/display/GFDOCG/FOR+INPUT%3A+Draft+Framework+for+Closed+Generic+gTLDs>.
> After the 15 July deadline, staff will consolidate all community feedback
> into a table for this group to review, in a manner similar to how  public
> comments in a policy development process are handled. This group will then
> work through the table during weekly calls and consider the feedback
> received, denoting the actions (if any) to be taken on each input, and
> updating the Framework document accordingly. The community input table and
> any Final Framework will be published on the wiki for transparency.
> *Transparency*
> Review of community inputs will begin on the 19 July call, and the group
> broadly agreed that session recordings from this point forward should be
> posted on the public portion of the wiki space. Group meetings will not be
> open to live observation.
> The group further agreed that a new mailing list, one which allows for
> observers to sign up for read-only access, will be created and utilized for
> discussions pertaining to review of community inputs. Observers will not
> have the ability to post or contribute to active discussions on the new
> mailing list.
> In relation to a  possible need to discuss a matter, whether on the
> mailing list or in-session, under Chatham House Rule, the  group generally
> agreed that should a participant feel there is such a need, they will make
> the request directly to Melissa. It is incumbent upon the requester to
> explain why the situation warrants a more private discussion space. Melissa
> will then indicate on the open mailing list that such a request has been
> made and the group will discuss whether the topic should be moved to  the
> closed mailing list or further discussed in closed session. Where this
> occurs, the staff will follow the practice to date of publishing
> high-level  notes without specific attribution on the public wiki page.
> *Approach to the Review of Community Feedback and Input*
> The group found broad agreement with the following approach to
> consideration of community inputs:
>    - Keep the review at a framework level.
>    - Address areas where the community identifies a need for
>    clarification.
>    - Only modify the substance of the  Draft Framework where community
>    feedback indicates that a substantive point was missed by this group or
>    where there is broad community sentiment that this group got an issue wrong.
>    - It was noted that we might need a bit of flexibility on this point,
>       with the understanding that the group is focused on moving the overall
>       effort forward and not relitigating matters that were discussed during
>       deliberations  on the Draft Framework.
> *Timeline & Scheduling*
> This timeline is based on a  typical volume  of community input  and is
> subject to change should there be an unusual  number of community
> submissions. The agreed timeline will be published on the wiki page.
>    - 19 July – 21 August
>    - The  group will consider community feedback in line with the
>       approach noted above
>    - 28 August – 11 September
>    - The group will review draft  text of the Final Framework
>       - Note: 4 September is a US holiday, so we will meet on 6 September
>       instead
>    - 18 September
>    - Each of you will indicate whether you stand behind the Final
>       Framework document.
>    - 25 September
> o   Should there be agreement amongst  the group, the Final Framework
> document will be sent to the GAC, GNSO Council, and ALAC, for each to
> indicate whether it supports or does not support the Final Framework.
>    - Week of 23 October (ICANN78)
> o   Deadline for the GAC, GNSO Council, and ALAC to respond indicating
> support (or otherwise) for the Final Framework document.
> o   This group will be responsible for compiling and officially
> transmitting the GAC, GNSO Council, and ALAC feedback on the Final
> Framework to the GNSO Council. At that point, the work of the Facilitated
> Dialogue will be considered  concluded and the group will disband. There
> will not be an additional round of community feedback on the Final
> Framework.
> For our calls going forward, the group had a slight preference for Monday
> meetings, so calls will rotate between 12:30 UTC and 20:00 UTC on Mondays.
> Exceptions are Wednesday, 19 July and 6 September. Terri has sent the
> relevant meeting invitations.
>  I hope that we are all in agreement as we prepare to begin
> deliberations of community inputs.
> Please respond to this email indicating your agreement and/or areas of
> concern (if any) by 18 July 2023 at 23:59 UTC. Thank you!
> All the best,
> Melissa (on behalf of the Policy team supporting the Closed Generics
> Facilitated Dialogue)
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