[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch
Sat Jun 10 17:50:35 UTC 2023

All good points from Manal. I feel we could combine a first overview by Melissa and staff, in order to give a flavor of the process and what is in the framework.

Pause, open for general and process questions.

And then go block by block, with staff introducing the substance and opportunity given to all participants in the dialogue to complement.

Maybe this could structure both sessions. We would continue in session 2 where we finished in session 1, and have some time at the end of session 2 for an additional round of Q&A from the community.

makes sense?




Von: Manal Ismail <manal at tra.gov.eg>
Datum: 10. Juni 2023 um 18:17:15 MESZ
An: Kathy Kleiman <kathy at dnrc.tech>, gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
Betreff: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

Dear All ..

Apologies for my delayed input .. I have just arrived in DC, checked-in, settled down and got connected ..

Many thanks Melissa for triggering this discussion and many thanks to all colleagues for their input ..

Here is some food for thought:

- I think we need to plan for both sessions collectively, in particular regarding community input .. Are we going to spend session 1 presenting the frame and dedicate session 2 to community input, or spend both sessions in presenting section by section and pausing after each for community input, or something?

- I also believe participants' interventions may differ according to the timing, so if given the floor at the very begining, interventions will probably be more general and overarching whereas after the intro of the framework, interventions may probaly be more on substance .. Anyway, if we plan to go section by section, one way to do it may be to ask group members at the end of each section if they wish to comment before opening the floor for discussion?

- I'm not sure how high-level the "High-level introduction to the Draft Framework" is planned, but I think we need to go a bit deep on substance to make sure we trigger community input and discussion right from the first session, as community members might not have had the chance to read the framework ..

This is merely food for thought .. No strong opinions .. Happy to proceed as colleactively agreed ..

Kind Regards


From: gnso-gac-closed-generics <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Kathy Kleiman <kathy at dnrc.tech>
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2023 4:04 AM
To: gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
Subject: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

Melissa, I would hope that you would open the session and lay out your sense of "how we got here." You've been a great facilitator and I think you it would be fair to give you the floor here.

Jeff, I think we should all have an equal role, as participants, later in the discussions. Let's start on neutral footing.

Best, Kathy

On 6/9/2023 4:53 PM, Melissa Peters Allgood wrote:
Speaking on behalf of staff, we welcome you taking the lead on this session. The Draft Framework is your work product, not ours. We are just trying to find a way forward based on your feedback.

Currently the session structure looks like this:

  1.  Intro to the Dialogue (how we got here)
  2.  Introduction of participants
  3.  Explanation of the process
  4.  High-level introduction to the Draft Framework
     *   This will be presented in 3 blocks and is an opportunity for multiple participants to take the lead.
  5.  Floor open to participants for statements/comments
  6.  Community Q&A and discussion. Staff is available to manage the queue, but this is otherwise a community discussion space.

Staff is working on slides for points 1-4. Anyone who wishes to take the lead on any of these points, please let us know and we can support your preparation.

Does this work?


From: gnso-gac-closed-generics <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org><mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of "jeff at jjnsolutions.com"<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com><mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com>
Reply-To: "jeff at jjnsolutions.com"<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com><mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com>
Date: Friday, June 9, 2023 at 4:37 PM
To: "Greg Shatan [NARALO]" <gregshatanalac at gmail.com><mailto:gregshatanalac at gmail.com>, "jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch"<mailto:jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch> <jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch><mailto:jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch>
Cc: "gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org"<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org><mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

If I +1 to Nigel, am I really +1'ing myself ;)

Yes, we should all have roles to play in this discussion.  We want to make it clear that the work was ours and that although ICANN staff is helping us out tremendously and we couldnt do it without them, we need to show the community that we did the work.

Happy to help out however I can.

[cid:part1.SsS4lUFF.VeRKudDb at dnrc.tech]

------ Original Message ------
From "Greg Shatan [NARALO]" <gregshatanalac at gmail.com<mailto:gregshatanalac at gmail.com>>
To jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch<mailto:jorge.cancio at bakom.admin.ch>
Cc gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
Date 6/9/2023 4:27:15 PM
Subject Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

I agree as well and spoke too quickly before. If the Staff does all the talking and we just sit there looking beautiful, it would be rather odd.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 14:32 Jorge.Cancio--- via gnso-gac-closed-generics <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>> wrote:
+1 to Nigel 👍🏼


Von: Nigel Hickson via gnso-gac-closed-generics <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>>
Datum: 8. Juni 2023 um 20:24:43 MESZ
An: Merritt, Jason (ISED/ISDE) <Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca>>
Cc: gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>>
Betreff: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

Good evening

Thanks so much Melissa for your mail and for Mary's constructive input.

I agree with Jaosn; it would be really excellent to at least hear from the Board during the Monday meeting (though respect of course not a formal view) and of course are esteemed Org colleagues.

On the Session process, I would join with Jeff in perhaps proposing that after an introduction to the Framework by Org (not least on some background to issue) that we all (as participants) be given the opportunity to say a few words; I think it would look odd if we just sat there.



On Thu, 8 Jun 2023 at 17:30, Merritt, Jason (ISED/ISDE) <Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca><mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca>>> wrote:
My personal view is I’m okay with the proposed structure of the sessions, including staff presenting “on behalf” of the community groups.

I support a communication or both Org and the Board making them aware of the open sessions and inviting their views (whether that’s comments or views after the comments are in).

Looking forward to catching up!

Jason Merritt

Sr Policy Advisor, Telecommunications and Internet Policy Branch
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada
Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca><mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca>> / Tel: 343-571-9775 / TTY: 1-866-694-8389

Conseiller(ère) princ. en politiques, Direction generale des politiques de telecommunications et d'Internet
Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca><mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca<mailto:Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca>> / Tél. : 343-571-9775 / ATS : 1-866-694-8389

On Jun 8, 2023, at 11:08 AM, Greg Shatan [NARALO] <gregshatanalac at gmail.com<mailto:gregshatanalac at gmail.com><mailto:gregshatanalac at gmail.com<mailto:gregshatanalac at gmail.com>>> wrote:


I support a communication to both ICANN Org and the Board inviting them to our ICANN77 sessions and requesting their presence, participation and input, and for the same afterwards.  I'm not sure (technically) whether either would participate in the comment period vs. providing their views after the comments are in.  It would be helpful to find out from staff how Org and Board will be engaged going forward (beyond the extremely valuable participation from Alan B. and Patricio).

Personally, I'm most interested in the reaction of the GAC. In many ways, I view a major goal of our work as responding to the Beijing Communique (albeit, indirectly) in order to avoid another response from the GAC that says in essence that Closed Generics are still not "ready for prime time."

It doesn't bother me at all that Staff would distribute this.  Perhaps it can/will be phrased as being "on behalf of the GAC-GNSO-ALAC Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generic

 I have no reason to believe that ICANN Org would not support this type of framework and be able to implement it (or more accurately, the output from the PDP group).  By "support" do you mean "agree with" or do you mean "facilitate and provide resources for"?

I don't see anything that Org could not implement. With some optimism, I also don't see anything Org could not support.  If there are pieces that need improvement, hopefully we will hear about them from Board, Org, community and others.

See you in a few days!


On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 10:49 AM jeff at jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com><mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com>> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com><mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com>>> wrote:
Does it seem odd to anyone in this group that the framework is being presented by ICANN staff.  Does that send the right message that this was a facilitated dialog  amongst community members.

Also, I know this is a late question, but are we even sure that ICANN Org would support this type of framework and be able to implement it?

On that note, I would like to specifically make an ask to GDD staff that they specifically respond during the public comment period with their concerns or support or both.  We have learned that staff providing input AFTER the policies are developed is too late for any meaningful changes, and we do not want to repeat the unnecessary delays of having to have an ODP after all the work is done.

So, I am specifically proposing a note to both ICANN Org and the Board asking for their input during this meeting and during the brief comment period!

Who is with me on that?


------ Original Message ------
From "Melissa Peters Allgood" <melissa.allgood at icann.org<mailto:melissa.allgood at icann.org><mailto:melissa.allgood at icann.org<mailto:melissa.allgood at icann.org>>>
To "gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org><mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>>" <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org><mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org<mailto:gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>>>
Date 6/8/2023 9:16:06 AM
Subject [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLD & ICANN77 Sessions

Hello all,

Congratulations on a job well done! You have worked hard to reach this point, a compromise draft framework ready for community for feedback. Your dedication to this project is a testament to the multistakholder model.

Just a few points for your review following yesterday’s call.

Draft Framework
Attached is the Draft Framework for Closed Generic gTLDs. This document will be shared with the community at 21:00 UTC today, 8 June. Please note, all meeting notes taken pursuant to Chatham House rules are found via link in Annex 2, as well as on the public wiki page for this group.

ICANN77 Session Planning
Based on your feedback (albeit brief) on our call, we propose the following session structure for ICANN77:

Section 1: Presentation of information – Staff

  *   Introduction to the Dialogue
  *   Introduction to the Process, Commitments & Participants
  *   Introduction to the Framework

Section 2: Discussion and community questions – Participants

Question: Do you wish to run the same structure at both sessions or do you prefer two different sessions plans? If you select the latter, please elaborate.

Many thanks and heartfelt congratulations!

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Greg Shatan
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Greg Shatan

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Kathy Kleiman
President, Domain Name Rights Coalition

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