[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Outline of next steps and proposed agenda for Tuesday session at ICANN77

Mary Wong mary.wong at icann.org
Mon Jun 12 18:02:48 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Based on the questions and discussions at the first open session held earlier today, and to prepare for the second open session coming up tomorrow, staff would like to outline what we understand to be the next steps for the dialogue work leading up to a Final Framework. We have started to document next steps on your public wiki space<https://community.icann.org/display/GFDOCG/FOR+INPUT%3A+Draft+Framework+for+Closed+Generic+gTLDs>, and we plan on including this information in the twice-weekly Community Leadership Digest that the Policy Development Support team publishes for the community, up to the suggested closing date of 15 July 2023. We will also coordinate with our colleagues that support all the different SOAC groups, to ensure that their members are aware of the invitation to provide feedback on the Draft Framework.

We have set up an email address where community groups and individuals can send in their input directly: closed-generics-feedback at icann.org<mailto:closed-generics-feedback at icann.org>. This is a publicly-archived<https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/closed-generics-feedback/> mailing list, which means that you and anyone that wishes to can see the submissions as they come in, in full. The staff team will ensure that all submissions are made public via the wiki and, similar to the support we provide to other community policy-related efforts, collate the feedback into a single tool to facilitate your discussions on the input received.

In addition, and to encourage community groups to submit input, they may send their feedback through their staff support team.

As these steps mirror those that we follow for more formal Public Comment proceedings, we hope that this approach, which also ensures that all feedback is documented and made public, addresses any concerns from community members about transparency, accessibility and their ability to provide feedback on the Draft Framework.

After your deliberations on a Final Framework following your review of the community input, our understanding is that the three groups that are participating in the dialogue (i.e. the ALAC, GAC and GNSO Council) will each use their own internal processes to signal whether they agree with the proposed approach in the Final Framework. This is expected to take place in the third quarter of this calendar year, and will be the final step before moving ahead with the requisite policy work through a GNSO Council-chartered process in which the ALAC and GAC will also be involved. Of course, as noted in the Draft Framework, if the group does not reach agreement on a Final Framework, the issue of closed generic gTLDs will revert to the ICANN Board for a decision on the matter for the next round.

Finally, please find below the proposed agenda for the open session tomorrow:

  1.  Review of the Draft Framework - Melissa Peters Allgood & Dialogue Participants (80 mins)

(i)                  Application  (30 mins)
                                Participant comments  (15 mins)
                                Community Q&A  (15 mins)

(ii)                Evaluation  (30 mins)
                                Participant comments  (15 mins)
                                Community Q&A  (15 mins)

(iii)               Contracting & Post-Delegation  (20 mins)
                                Participant comments  (10 mins)
Community Q&A  (10 mins)

  1.  Next Steps - Melissa Peters Allgood (5 mins)

Best regards,

Mary (on behalf of Melissa Peters Allgood and the staff team supporting the facilitated dialogue)
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