[gnso-gac-closed-generics] [Ext] [renamed] posting actual parts of the Framework

Nigel Hickson nigel.hickson at dcms.gov.uk
Tue Jun 13 19:58:04 UTC 2023

Melissa and colleagues

Good afternoon, just to note that I think this 2nd session went very well
indeed; with some good input on substance; hope this translates into
written comments;



On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 at 14:29, Melissa Peters Allgood <
melissa.allgood at icann.org> wrote:

> Hi all –
> An update about our next Closed Generics session:
>    - We will focus the 90-minute session on the Draft Framework and Next
>    Steps
>    - We will share an agenda with time allotments at the topic of the
>    session – and we will stick to them.
>    - We will move through the 3 blocks. At the top of each block, I will
>    make a few very high-level remarks.
>    - I will then open the floor to all of you to highlight any elements
>    within this section. The Draft Framework will be on the screen and you can
>    direct staff to the point you wish to highlight.
>       - We considered removing this section altogether, but believe your
>       brief remarks highlighting areas of importance to you will better set the
>       stage for community questions.
>       - In the interest of time, I ask you be mindful to not repeat one
>       another. If another participant has highlighted an area of particular
>       importance, please consider reserving the time you’d spend agreeing for
>       community questions.
> Thanks,
> Melissa
> *From: *Kathy Kleiman <Kathy at KathyKleiman.com>
> *Date: *Monday, June 12, 2023 at 10:45 PM
> *To: *"gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org" <
> gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>, Melissa Peters Allgood <
> melissa.allgood at icann.org>, Terri Agnew <terri.agnew at icann.org>,
> Christian Wheeler <christian.wheeler at icann.org>, Mary Wong <
> mary.wong at icann.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] [renamed] posting actual parts of the Framework
> I'm very much in favor of walking through the Framework a bit, so I concur
> with Jeff about posting actual parts of it and even reading key section
> to/with the audience.
> Today, in NCSG, I had a few slides.  One was the three sections of the
> Framework, and then several slides walking through the substance of each
> section. I tried to take sections that were small enough to be readable on
> screen.
> For example, Application Section four (specific the public interest
> goal(s)... and Section five (explain the purpose) with the details of 4a-c,
> 5a, etc. Of course, Section ten (demonstrate requirement of
> representativeness or non-anticompetitive behavior) with some of the detail.
> It raised the level of interest and level of discussion.
> Afterwards, of course, I support Manal's suggestion favoring community
> input.
> Best, Kathy
> On 6/12/2023 6:05 PM, Jeff Neuman wrote:
> I agree 100%.  I know many of them will not have read the framework, so
> lets post parts up on the screen and open the floor.
> Get Outlook for iOS [aka.ms]
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> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sophie Hey <sophie.hey at comlaude.com> <sophie.hey at comlaude.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, June 12, 2023 5:02 PM
> *To:* Manal Ismail <manal at tra.gov.eg> <manal at tra.gov.eg>; Jeff Neuman
> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com>; Mary Wong
> <mary.wong at icann.org> <mary.wong at icann.org>;
> gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
> *Subject:* RE: Outline of next steps and proposed agenda for Tuesday
> session at ICANN77
> I support Manal's suggestion
> Sophie Hey
> Policy Advisor
> +44 (0) 20 7421 8250
> 252
> comlaude.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gnso-gac-closed-generics
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org>
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Manal Ismail
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 4:59 PM
> To: Jeff Neuman <jeff at jjnsolutions.com> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com>; Mary
> Wong <mary.wong at icann.org> <mary.wong at icann.org>;
> gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
> Subject: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Outline of next steps and proposed
> agenda for Tuesday session at ICANN77
> Many thanks Patricio for the good suggestion and Melissa and Mary for
> accomodating ..
> If group participants agree, I suggest that we reverse the order of the
> comments, and do not have to necessarily divide the time equally .. We have
> already spoken for the whole session today, and I would like to see us
> favoring community input during this session .. That said, in order to
> secure enough time for community feedback during this session​, I propose
> we start each block by listening to community interventions, then respond
> or comment as apporiate ..
> Thoughts?
> Kind Regards
> --Manal
> ________________________________
> From: gnso-gac-closed-generics
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org>
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Jeff Neuman
> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 10:06 PM
> To: Mary Wong; gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
> Subject: Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Outline of next steps and proposed
> agenda for Tuesday session at ICANN77
> Mary,
> I guess I agree on agenda. The rest of the email on what happens next is
> beyond scope of group.
> Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef [aka.ms]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/aka.ms/o0ukef__;!!PtGJab4!7eHWX5ped2Tz540kVU3Gc-SMDA2WoS4Ar-4aKl_KLjvW4Yk7mchbMqkcZgYhZziNTD_oRodhmVKGfANzToAkKOQZQKyG-w$>
> >
> ________________________________
> From: gnso-gac-closed-generics
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org>
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Mary Wong
> <mary.wong at icann.org> <mary.wong at icann.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 2:02:48 PM
> To: gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
> Subject: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Outline of next steps and proposed
> agenda for Tuesday session at ICANN77
> Dear all,
> Based on the questions and discussions at the first open session held
> earlier today, and to prepare for the second open session coming up
> tomorrow, staff would like to outline what we understand to be the next
> steps for the dialogue work leading up to a Final Framework. We have
> started to document next steps on your public wiki space<
> https://community.icann.org/display/GFDOCG/FOR+INPUT%3A+Draft+Framework+for+Closed+Generic+gTLDs>,
> and we plan on including this information in the twice-weekly Community
> Leadership Digest that the Policy Development Support team publishes for
> the community, up to the suggested closing date of 15 July 2023. We will
> also coordinate with our colleagues that support all the different SOAC
> groups, to ensure that their members are aware of the invitation to provide
> feedback on the Draft Framework.
> We have set up an email address where community groups and individuals can
> send in their input directly: closed-generics-feedback at icann.org
> <mailto:closed-generics-feedback at icann.org>
> <closed-generics-feedback at icann.org>. This is a publicly-archived<
> https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/closed-generics-feedback/> mailing list,
> which means that you and anyone that wishes to can see the submissions as
> they come in, in full. The staff team will ensure that all submissions are
> made public via the wiki and, similar to the support we provide to other
> community policy-related efforts, collate the feedback into a single tool
> to facilitate your discussions on the input received.
> In addition, and to encourage community groups to submit input, they may
> send their feedback through their staff support team.
> As these steps mirror those that we follow for more formal Public Comment
> proceedings, we hope that this approach, which also ensures that all
> feedback is documented and made public, addresses any concerns from
> community members about transparency, accessibility and their ability to
> provide feedback on the Draft Framework.
> After your deliberations on a Final Framework following your review of the
> community input, our understanding is that the three groups that are
> participating in the dialogue (i.e. the ALAC, GAC and GNSO Council) will
> each use their own internal processes to signal whether they agree with the
> proposed approach in the Final Framework. This is expected to take place in
> the third quarter of this calendar year, and will be the final step before
> moving ahead with the requisite policy work through a GNSO
> Council-chartered process in which the ALAC and GAC will also be involved.
> Of course, as noted in the Draft Framework, if the group does not reach
> agreement on a Final Framework, the issue of closed generic gTLDs will
> revert to the ICANN Board for a decision on the matter for the next round.
> Finally, please find below the proposed agenda for the open session
> tomorrow:
>   1.  Review of the Draft Framework - Melissa Peters Allgood & Dialogue
> Participants (80 mins)
> (i)                  Application  (30 mins)
>                                 Participant comments  (15 mins)
>                                 Community Q&A  (15 mins)
> (ii)                Evaluation  (30 mins)
>                                 Participant comments  (15 mins)
>                                 Community Q&A  (15 mins)
> (iii)               Contracting & Post-Delegation  (20 mins)
>                                 Participant comments  (10 mins)
> Community Q&A  (10 mins)
>   1.  Next Steps - Melissa Peters Allgood (5 mins)
> Best regards,
> Mary (on behalf of Melissa Peters Allgood and the staff team supporting
> the facilitated dialogue) _______________________________________________
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