[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed gTLD registry models

Sophie Hey sophie.hey at comlaude.com
Wed Mar 1 14:57:51 UTC 2023

Hi all,

Following on from our call earlier in the week, I thought it might be helpful to set out the existing processes available to gTLD registry operators to have their gTLD as closed. I do keep forgetting that not everyone spends most of their time looking at Registry Agreements, so this is intended to set out some links and information.

Base Registry Agreement Specification 9: you can find the full Code of Conduct on pages 87-88 of the Base RA https://newgtlds.icann.org/sites/default/files/agreements/agreement-approved-31jul17-en.pdf

  *   Registries can apply for exemptions from the Specification 9 Code of Conduct if they meet the criteria in Spec 9 section 6, unless the string is Generic.
  *   The carveout of Generic strings is set out in Specification 11 section 3(d) (page 98 of the Base RA).

The process for requesting an exemption to the Code of Conduct in Specification 9 is set out in a 6-pager, which includes a form that a registry would need to submit to ICANN to request an exemption, is set out in this link https://newgtlds.icann.org/sites/default/files/ro-code-of-conduct-exemption-28oct13-en.pdf.

  *   The requesting registry needs to explain why the Code of Conduct is not needed to protect the public interest. This could be adapted for Closed Generics based on our ongoing discussions.
  *   We could also copy and paste the requirement that the requesting registry also needs to submit the registration policies for the gTLD with their request, and that they have an obligation to update ICANN in writing at any point if any representations made in the request become untrue.

ICANN provides FAQs on Spec 9 exemptions in this 6-pager https://newgtlds.icann.org/sites/default/files/faqs-18jul14-en.pdf. This is the document I shared on Monday’s call. Pages 2-3, specifically answers to Q5 and Q6 with a little of Q4, cover Generic strings, including guidance as to what Generic means. The impact on a registry granted a Spec 9 exemption is set out on pages 5-6, specifically answers to Q14, Q15 and Q16.

This page https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/agb/base-agreement-contracting/ccer, is a home page for Specification 9 Code of Conduct exemption requests. If you scroll down a little, you can see all past (and if there are any current) requests for exemptions from Specification 9 along with any comments made, and whether the requests were granted or not. Some gTLDs currently operating with an exemption to the Specification 9 Code of Conduct include .MEET<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/meet>, .CATHOLIC<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/catholic> (and translations католик<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/xn--80aqecdr1a> and كاثوليك<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/xn--mgbi4ecexp>), .BROADWAY<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/broadway> and .MED<https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/details/med>.

Registries with Specification 13 (also referred to as dot brands), have an exemption to the Specification 9 Code of Conduct which is explicitly included in Specification 13 section 3 (page 2) https://newgtlds.icann.org/sites/default/files/agreements/agreement-approved-specification-13-31jul17-en.pdf. I have also highlighted some points which I recall coming up during our discussions.

  *   Specification 13 section 6 has specific transition/termination language for dot brands.
  *   Specification 13 section 7 requires dot brands to conduct internal reviews of their gTLD every year and submit the results to ICANN each year.
  *   Specification 13 section 9.3(ii) permits only the Registry Operator, its Affiliates or Trademark Licensees to be registrants of domain names in the TLD and control the DNS records associated with domain names at any level in the TLD. Trademark Licensees are then defined in Specification 13 section 9.5. This avoids interfering with the definition of “Affiliates” for all gTLD registries but recognising the purpose and use of dot brand registries.

I hope this is helpful to you all.


Sophie Hey
Policy Advisor

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