[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Updates for 11 March Hybrid Session

Melissa Peters Allgood melissa.allgood at icann.org
Tue Mar 7 23:00:53 UTC 2023

Hello all,

The strawman framework document, called Discussion Draft – Preliminary Framework for Closed Generic gTLDs v2<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit>, now includes the discussion from our last call, as well as the work done offline by Kathy and Greg. We have used different colors for these inputs in order for you to track changes. At present, I don’t see any comments on version 1 of this document, so to the extent possible, please use version 2 (v2) moving forward.

In order to maximize our hybrid session,  we will focus this time on any remaining discussions that need to be had around the public interest. Accordingly, we will use Discussion Draft – Preliminary Framework for Closed Generic gTLDs v2,<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit> Section III. Applying For A Closed Generic gTLD, as a jumping off point for this discussion focused on the public interest.

There is no need to review/comment on the entire Discussion Draft document before our next meeting. If time allows, review the application section referenced above and come prepared to discuss what additional considerations, if any, need to be incorporated into the application and/or evaluation to yield comfort with the public interest requirement.

Thank you for a robust discussion on the mailing list and safe travels to those headed to Cancun.


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