[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Planning and Asynchronous Work [earlier]

Kathy Kleiman Kathy at KathyKleiman.com
Mon May 15 01:21:01 UTC 2023

Adding my comment atop Arnaud's and Jason's.  In*purple. *

Best, Kathy*

On 5/11/2023 2:11 AM, Arnaud Franquinet wrote:
> Hello,
> My comments.
> Arnaud
>> Le 10 mai 2023 à 13:57, Merritt, Jason (ISED/ISDE) 
>> <Jason.Merritt at ised-isde.gc.ca> a écrit :
>> Good morning!
>> Some responses for consideration.
>> Jason
>> **
>>  1. Definitions and Policy/Implementation Questions
>>       o Section II - Definitions (Pg.4)
>>           + */Question/*:  Are definitions a MUST include red line
>>             for you?*Yes, but the text seems overly complicated and
>>             long. Could be streamlined. It makes sense to me we would
>>             have definitions of things like “closed generic”… Why
>>             have we not defined other critical elements like ‘public
>>             interest’?*
> > Yes definitely a must.
 >> *Yes, per my earlier email. *
>>          +
>>           + If not, the issues you’ve raised can be included in an
>>             annex to the framework with the understanding that they
>>             do not reflect agreement of the group but rather
>>             encapsulate discussions and issues raised.
>>       o Other Policy and Implementation questions (Pg. 10, 13, & 14)
>>           + */Question:/* Is including these as an annex to the
>>             framework, with the understanding that they do not
>>             reflect agreement of this group but rather encapsulate
>>             discussions and issues raised, a MUST NOT include red
>>             line for you?*No. In fact could be the opposite
>>             (excluding would be a redline). I think the questions
>>             capture some key discussion points and reflect some
>>             thinking about complex issues we’ve been discussing.*
> +1. Agree with Jason point.
 >> *Agree with Jason and Arnaud. *
>>          +
>>  2. What is your response to the staff proposed language on the
>>     Objective/Subjective issue?
>>       o “The evaluation process and criteria must be clear,
>>         predictable, and objective to the greatest extent possible.
>>         The evaluation must be predictable such that a potential
>>         applicant can reasonably assess their likelihood of
>>         qualifying for a closed generic gTLD, with the understanding
>>         that evaluation panelists will use their professional
>>         judgement when evaluating applications. This judgement must
>>         be within predictable parameters and well-justified. For
>>         example, evaluators should not determine that one public
>>         interest goal is worthier than another, nor require that a
>>         closed generic gTLD be used in one particular way, so long as
>>         the public interest requirements are fulfilled.”*Seems
>>         tentatively okay… I don’t think we should include the “For
>>         example…” There has to be some subjectivity in the
>>         evaluation, otherwise it is a box checking exercise. This is
>>         not overly complicated. Just because you meet some objective
>>         eligibility criteria, doesn’t necessarily mean an *evaluation
>>         *would award you what you applied for (in this case a closed
>>         gTLD). There is always a discretionary and subjective
>>         assessment of an application.*
> > The evaluation criteria of a close generic cannot be determined sui 
> generis but come -with the exception of certain general rules already 
> mentioned- from the use that will be proposed by the applicant. It is 
> therefore up to him to propose the criteria that will make the generic 
> a close generic. This is how the evaluation can be objectified by the 
> determination and commitment to follow clear, predictable and, in my 
> opinion, objectively verifiable criteria. This is an integral part of 
> the application process and must be fulfilled by the applicant.
 >> *Agree with Jason that we should not include the "For example." **I 
think Melissa has floated different language on this issue based on our 
discussion on Wednesday. Basically, I think we are in the same place on 
clear and predictable language, but we each have different definitions 
and meanings for objection/subjective. I like the one from Government 
Contracting that Greg shared. Perhaps best just to leave out both terms: 
objection and subjective. Let's let the application and evaluation 
criteria speak for itself. *
>>       o **
>>  3. Are red lines needing further discussion missing from the outline
>>     above? If so, what?*Potentially.*
>>  4. */Do you disagree/* with allowing narrowly tailored, element
>>     specific minority statements as part of an agreed framework?*No.
>>     Should be included as an annex. But if there are statements, can
>>     we really call it an “agreed framework”?*
> > No. +1 with Jason proposition.
 >*> +2 Jason and Arnaud.*
>> 4.
>>  5. After reviewing the calendar and remaining work, */do you
>>     agree/* to add a 17 May call at 20:00 UTC?*Sure.*
> > Not available. In plane for Taiwan.
 >> *I'll be in California, and will work hard to attend. *
>> 5.
>> *From:*gnso-gac-closed-generics 
>> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org>*On Behalf Of*Melissa 
>> Peters Allgood
>> *Sent:*May 9, 2023 4:48 AM
>> *To:*gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
>> *Subject:*Re: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Planning and 
>> Asynchronous Work
>> Hello all,
>> Please review and respond to the email below.
>> See you tomorrow at 12:30 UTC,
>> Melissa
>> *From:*gnso-gac-closed-generics 
>> <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Melissa 
>> Peters Allgood <melissa.allgood at icann.org>
>> *Date:*Friday, May 5, 2023 at 12:24 PM
>> *To:*"gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org" 
>> <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
>> *Subject:*[gnso-gac-closed-generics] Closed Generics Planning and 
>> Asynchronous Work
>> Hello all,
>> Within this email you will find a number of questions on various 
>> topics that need your response. I repeat them in a focused manner 
>> near the bottom in an attempt to support your response to all questions.
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit__;!!PtGJab4!4BMhjvQA-LvN9hkN7vZRiTWZH4Ej3Iwjp_vM-0L5FN8bMCV_eUw_zF8Ibl9aluEz2FrVgwxlPwNdhcCygzHXyf4rfcPP9Jl1O0zOTg$>*
>>   * Section V – Contracting and Post-Delegation
>>       o We will continue our red line questions for this section
>>         during our 10 May call.
>>   * Section II - Definitions (Pg.4)
>>       o Please respond to the following:
>>           + */Question/*: Are definitions a MUST include red line for
>>             you?
>>           + If not, the issues you’ve raised can be included in an
>>             annex to the framework with the understanding that they
>>             do not reflect agreement of the group but rather
>>             encapsulate discussions and issues raised.
>>   * Other Policy and Implementation questions (Pg. 10, 13, & 14)
>>       o Please respond to the following:
>>           + */Question:/*Is including these as an annex to the
>>             framework, with the understanding that they do not
>>             reflect agreement of this group but rather encapsulate
>>             discussions and issues raised, a MUST NOT include red
>>             line for you?
>>  1. */Objective/Subjective/*
>> Staff has attempted to encapsulate comments from our last call. 
>> Please review the language below and respond to this email with feedback.
>> //
>> “The evaluation process and criteria must be clear, predictable, and 
>> objective to the greatest extent possible. The evaluation must be 
>> predictable such that a potential applicant can reasonably assess 
>> their likelihood of qualifying for a closed generic gTLD, with the 
>> understanding that evaluation panelists will use their professional 
>> judgement when evaluating applications. This judgement must be within 
>> predictable parameters and well-justified. For example, evaluators 
>> should not determine that one public interest goal is worthier than 
>> another, nor require that a closed generic gTLD be used in one 
>> particular way, so long as the public interest requirements are 
>> fulfilled.”
>>  2. */Application Comment/Objections/Evaluation Challenges/*
>> Here you will find two documents that detail these procedures. Both 
>> documents are also found in your google drive.  I ask you review 
>> these and come prepared for a focused discussion on what, if 
>> anything, is missing.
>> Background on Application Comment, Objections, and Evaluation 
>> Challenges in the new gTLD program. [docs.google.com] 
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bdXX5p8LsHmOMZBkNuaCW1CRXT1dZ_APIIO08iG4CQg/edit*slide=id.g23e9a59d31c_0_0__;Iw!!PtGJab4!4BMhjvQA-LvN9hkN7vZRiTWZH4Ej3Iwjp_vM-0L5FN8bMCV_eUw_zF8Ibl9aluEz2FrVgwxlPwNdhcCygzHXyf4rfcPP9JnK0Xt9pw$>
>> 2012 AGB Draft Process Flow [drive.google.com] 
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ADxIsih3dRLJUk9PVA__;!!PtGJab4!4BMhjvQA-LvN9hkN7vZRiTWZH4Ej3Iwjp_vM-0L5FN8bMCV_eUw_zF8Ibl9aluEz2FrVgwxlPwNdhcCygzHXyf4rfcPP9JlBwHrDcA$>
>>  3. */Necessary vs. Best Served/Useful/Important/*
>> The following emerged an area of clear red lines:
>> *“*Explain why it is [necessary] to operate the gTLD as a closed 
>> generic gTLD in order to serve the public interest goal(s) identified 
>> in the application.Considering that it may never be strictly 
>> “necessary” to operate a closed generic gTLD, should the applicant 
>> instead explain why it is “useful” or “important” in order to serve 
>> their identified public interest goal(s)?”
>> Staff has proposed two alternatives for your consideration:
>>  1. Explain why operating the gTLD as a closed generic gTLD best
>>     serves the public interest goal(s) identified in the application OR
>>  2. Explain why it is necessary, useful, or important to operate the
>>     gTLD as a closed generic gTLD in order to serve the public
>>     interest goal(s) identified in the application.
>> We will engage in a focused discussion on this topic in an upcoming call.
>>  4. */Scoring System/*
>> We will engage in a focused discussion of this concept in an upcoming 
>> call.
>> **
>> **
>> /NOTE – I am not asking you respond to these questions in this email. 
>> These are highlighted as areas for future discussions./
>>  1. */Possible Threat/Risk Duplication/*
>>  2. */Explaining the Generic Term/*
>>  3. */Consumer Expectations/*
>>  4. */Consulting Competitors Prior to Submission of an Application /*
>>  5. */Application Change Requests/*
>> During our last call, we touched upon the concept of minority 
>> statements within an otherwise agreed framework. This suggestion 
>> comes as the result of discussions where I’ve heard a need to 
>> highlight specific areas of caution or concern within an overall 
>> agreement. Minority statements under these parameters might provide 
>> greater clarity as an agreed framework moves into a policy 
>> development process.
>> 10 May at 12:30 UTC
>>   * Discussion Draft v2: Red line questions for Section V –
>>     Contracting and Post-Delegation
>>   * Red line discussion: Objective/Subjective
>>   * Red line discussion: Application Comment/Objections/ Evaluation
>>     Challenges, time allowing
>>   * After this call, I will ask you work asynchronously to identify
>>     possible solutions to your Notable Concerns within the v3
>>     document and I will provide more detail about our approach to the
>>     other red line issues.
>> 15 May at 12:30 UTC
>>   * Red line discussion: Application Comment/Objections/Evaluation
>>     Challenges
>>   * Red line discussion: Scoring System
>>   * Red line discussion: Necessary
>>   * Other red line issues, time allowing
>>   * You will continue to work asynchronously identifying solutions to
>>     your Notable Concerns within the v3 document
>> 17 May at 20:00 UTC  –/We need to consider adding a call here/
>>   * We would use this time to begin discussions currently scheduled
>>     for 22 May
>> 22 May at 20:00 UTC
>>   * Other red line issues
>>   * Notable concern matters in v3
>> 25 May – on the mailing list
>>   * Agreed framework is finalized and shared for your review
>>   * Narrowly tailored minority statements objecting to specific
>>     elements of the framework may be included with an agreed final
>>     framework.
>> 31 May at 20:00 UTC
>>   * Group reviews final framework including minority statements
>>   * You will each decide:
>>       o If you support the final framework, including with minority
>>         statements narrowly tailored to specific elements   OR
>>       o If you do not support the final framework
>> /NOTE – as it stands now, this schedule likely doesn’t allow for 
>> additional discussion on definitions should that be a must include 
>> red line for you./
>>  1. Definitions and Policy/Implementation Questions
>>       o Section II - Definitions (Pg.4)
>>           + */Question/*: Are definitions a MUST include red line for
>>             you?
>>           + If not, the issues you’ve raised can be included in an
>>             annex to the framework with the understanding that they
>>             do not reflect agreement of the group but rather
>>             encapsulate discussions and issues raised.
>>       o Other Policy and Implementation questions (Pg. 10, 13, & 14)
>>           + */Question:/*Is including these as an annex to the
>>             framework, with the understanding that they do not
>>             reflect agreement of this group but rather encapsulate
>>             discussions and issues raised, a MUST NOT include red
>>             line for you?
>>  2. What is your response to the staff proposed language on the
>>     Objective/Subjective issue?
>>       o “The evaluation process and criteria must be clear,
>>         predictable, and objective to the greatest extent possible.
>>         The evaluation must be predictable such that a potential
>>         applicant can reasonably assess their likelihood of
>>         qualifying for a closed generic gTLD, with the understanding
>>         that evaluation panelists will use their professional
>>         judgement when evaluating applications. This judgement must
>>         be within predictable parameters and well-justified. For
>>         example, evaluators should not determine that one public
>>         interest goal is worthier than another, nor require that a
>>         closed generic gTLD be used in one particular way, so long as
>>         the public interest requirements are fulfilled.”
>>  3. Are red lines needing further discussion missing from the outline
>>     above? If so, what?
>>  4. */Do you disagree/*with allowing narrowly tailored, element
>>     specific minority statements as part of an agreed framework?
>>  5. After reviewing the calendar and remaining work,*/do you
>>     agree/*to add a 17 May call at 20:00 UTC?
>> This email covers a lot of ground, so please feel free to reach out 
>> with questions.
>> Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
>> Melissa
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