[GNSO-GGP-WG] Actions & Notes |GGP WG-Applicant Support Mtg #10 on 17 April at 1500 UTC

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Mon Apr 17 21:09:08 UTC 2023

Dear Working Group members,

Please see below the action items and brief notes for today’s GGP WG meeting.  These also are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/display/GGPGIRFAS/2022+Meetings. Please note that these are not a substitute for the recordings also posted to the wiki.

The next meeting will be in two weeks on Monday, 01 May at 1500 UTC.

Kind regards,
Steve and Julie


1.       Staff to produce a streamlined version of the working document with explanatory comments on how the original document was incorporated and distribute it to the WG by COB Tuesday, 25 April for review in advance of the meeting on Monday, 01 May.

2.       Secretariat staff to cancel the meeting on Monday, 24 April at 1500 UTC and reschedule it for Monday, 01 May at 1500 UTC for 60 minutes.

Draft Agenda
GGP WG-Applicant Support Meeting #10
Monday, 17 April 2023 at 2000 UTC

1. Welcome

2. Continued Discussion of Goals and Metrics Relating to Tasks 3, 4, 5 – Based on the Guidance (see questions below) (60 min)

Questions to Consider:

  1.  Goal: What is the aim? What is the desired outcome?
  2.  Indicators of Success: What would indicate the goal has been achieved? How will you know when it is achieved?
  3.  Metrics: What data/information should be collected and analyzed to determine if the goal was met?

Draft Suggested Revision of Section 1 Outreach/Awareness: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQQvs2wdmIuR1-iP2hUbR9kKZJZJ2Ule-NSAYumMATc/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1JQQvs2wdmIuR1-iP2hUbR9kKZJZJ2Ule-NSAYumMATc/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!6i-GxhboJrjlxY1YCUjjlAB6KyV8a90sBL-n-WH7AlQ6_YSmcMeIww83QmMU1lut4m0CHnR1gsBeIjQVIK4NPfSV2pGcaKhWeg$> (Set to View Only)

  *   Staff explanation of the document.
  *   Noted that this is the skeleton of the report, which will include deliberations and rationale, definitions of terms, etc.
  *   Question: Aren’t there two things to increase awareness?  How to connect the two?
  *   Note: Need to define the terms.
  *   Format: Will there be assumptions?  Can we add?  Excellent suggestion.
  *   Since we are trying to respond to the questions from GDS, what about the response to the tasks 3-5 from Council/in the initiation request?
  *   GDS is familiar with the tasks and the questions directly intended to answer them.  But they also incorporate the goals.
  *   Note that even with the streamlined document the WG is still completing the tasks of prioritizing the metrics from the SubPro Final Report, showing their connection to the ASP’s life-cycle elements, and showing the indicators of success.  The rationale and deliberations in the Report will show how this analysis is done.

     *   Staff to produce a streamlined version of the working document with explanatory comments on how the original document was incorporated and distribute it to the WG by COB Tuesday, 25 April for review in advance of the meeting on Monday, 01 May.
     *   Secretariat staff to cancel the meeting on Monday, 24 April at 1500 UTC and reschedule it for Monday, 01 May at 1500 UTC for 60 minutes.
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