[GNSO-GGP-WG] Review Document & Draft Agenda | GGP Applicant Support WG Meeting #18 on 17 July at 2000 UTC

Lawrence O. Olawale-Roberts lawrence at microboss.org
Sun Jul 16 20:14:03 UTC 2023

Kindly record my apologies for this meeting as I will be in-between flights. Would rely on the recording for updates


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From: GNSO-GGP-WG <gnso-ggp-wg-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 5:21:48 PM
To: gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org <gnso-ggp-wg at icann.org>
Subject: [GNSO-GGP-WG] Review Document & Draft Agenda | GGP Applicant Support WG Meeting #18 on 17 July at 2000 UTC

Dear Working Group members,

Please see below the draft agenda for the GGP WG Applicant Support meeting on Monday, 17 July at 2000 UTC.

Per the action items from the last meeting, please review the attached Draft Guidance Recommendation Initial Report including the revised Section 3 and the boilerplate text in preparation for the discussion at the next meeting.

Kind regards,

Steve and Julie

Draft Agenda

GGP WG-Applicant Support Meeting #18

Monday, 17 July at 2000 UTC

1. Welcome & SOIs

2. Discussion of the attached Draft Guidance Recommendation Initial Report including the revised Section 3 and the boilerplate text

3. AOB
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