[GNSO-GGP-WG] Proposed Agenda | GGP Applicant Support WG Meeting #25 on 20 Nov at 20:00 UTC

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Thu Nov 16 19:46:05 UTC 2023

Dear Working Group members,

Please see below the proposed agenda for the GGP WG Applicant Support meeting on Monday, 20 November at 20:00 UTC.

  1.  Welcome and SOIs

  1.  Complete second pass public comment review – focus on suggested changes only – Guidance Recommendations 7-9.

Input from staff: GGP support staff to develop language that notes the interdependence of at least recs 7, 8, and 9.

  1.  Review outstanding staff input re: action  items for Guidance Recommendation 2 and 5:

Guidance Recommendation 2: ICANN org to formulate a response with respect to potential concerns, as well as applicants’ pro-bono needs, and bring it back to the WG to consider.

Guidance Recommendation 5:
1) GGP support staff to work with GDS colleagues to suggest language to the GGP for recommendation 5.
2) ICANN org to provide guidance on the feasibility of providing the data suggested by Com Laude (comparing rates of delegation).

  1.  Begin review of draft Final Report – final Guidance Recommendations, rationale, and deliberations (time permitting)

  1.  AOB

Steve and Julie

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