[gnso-irtpd] here's the little summary of that sequence of events i rattled off on the call just now -- registrant role in TDRP

Volker Greimann vgreimann at key-systems.net
Fri Dec 6 15:46:21 UTC 2013

As an aside n this, ICANN already weeds out frivolous complaints. Whois 
complaints have tremendously improved over the past 2 years due to ICANN 
staff at least lookijng at them before forwarding.

And we also see a few transfer complaints coming trough ICANN. These are 
usually easily resolved as it was about a reseller that went under oder 
incommunicado and the registrant needed their auth-codes.

So what I am getting at is that there already is such a function in 
place within ICANN compliance that deals with registrant complaints over 


> I'm not disagreeing.  I'm thinking about this from a capacity concern.
> In order to find the registrant disputes that qualify as a registrar violation, ICANN will have to sift through a lot of claims.  Some meritorious, some marginally so, many a complete waste of time.  This is particularly true because ICANN compliance doesn't charge to investigate claims, so there is no harm to a registrant for whining to ICANN about frivolous matters.
> While, from an academic standpoint, ICANN compliance maybe "should" weed out registrant concerns with their registrars, one by one, if they do not have the capacity, tossing this to compliance will have the same effect as doing nothing.
> Perhaps the conversation is heading towards how to recommend ICANN deal with this or we recommend a staff person be hired, whatever. I just think that whatever we propose, we need to be mindful of the practicalities of it as well.
> Kristine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org [mailto:owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org] On Behalf Of Volker Greimann
> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 3:27 AM
> To: Mike O'Connor; gnso-irtpd at icann.org
> Subject: Re: [gnso-irtpd] here's the little summary of that sequence of events i rattled off on the call just now -- registrant role in TDRP
> Maybe I can answer this one:
> The role of compliance is to investigate compliance issues with regard to registrar obligations under the RAA and compliance policies. If either the gaining or losing registrar is found by compliance to have violated its obligations, enforcement action by compliance would include giving that registrar time to fix the breach, i.e. solve the registrants issue.
> Volker
>> hi Rob,
>> can you expand on why you prefer the idea that Compliance get's involved over making a determination?  i think we're on to something here, so i'm just looking for ideas on what the appropriate role would be for Compliance, not trying to mousetrap you.
>> thanks,
>> mikey
>> On Dec 5, 2013, at 6:24 AM, "Rob Golding" <rob.golding at astutium.com> wrote:
>>>> so can we say that in cases where the registrant and their registrar
>>>> disagree about the merits of the case, they should go to Compliance
>>>> for a determination?
>>> For compliance to get involved, yes.
>>> Rob
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