[gnso-irtpd] First WG Meeting - IRTP Part D PDP

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 19 14:18:11 UTC 2013

James, you took all of the fun out of it. I was 
going to take the opportunity of Michele's absence to suggest that he be chair!


At 19/02/2013 08:51 AM, James M. Bladel wrote:
>Thanks, Lars.
>And to new friends and old colleagues (from IRTP 
>A - C), I would gladly offer to serve as chair 
>again for this PDP WG.  But will also happily 
>step aside if there other interested candidates.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: [gnso-irtpd] First WG Meeting - IRTP Part D PDP
>From: Lars HOFFMANN <<mailto:Lars.hoffmann at icann.org>Lars.hoffmann at icann.org>
>Date: Tue, February 19, 2013 3:40 am
>"<mailto:gnso-irtpd at icann.org>gnso-irtpd at icann.org" 
><<mailto:gnso-irtpd at icann.org>gnso-irtpd at icann.org>
>Dear all,
>Thank you again for joining the IRTP Part D 
>Working Group and for participating in the 
>doodle. The poll was a real nail-biter. We have 
>decided to schedule the weekly calls for Mondays 
>16.00 UCT as this was the first of the preferred 
>times. I hope that even those who indicated that 
>this time does not suit them will be able to 
>join the calls as frequently as their other 
>commitments may permit. Of course we can always 
>review the meeting time if/when necessary.
>Please note that there will be three weeks in 
>which, due to day-light saving, the time 
>difference between the North America and Europe 
>will be out of synch as North America 'springs 
>forward' on 10 March and Europe on 31 March. 
>Judging by the doodle, it might be easiest if we 
>maintain 16.00 UTC for the meetings of 11, 18, 
>25 March. The North American meeting times will 
>thus change in those three weeks to 9am PST and 
>12 noon EST – as of 1 April we will adjust to 
>15.00 UCT meaning that all goes back to as it 
>was (8am PST and 11am EST). I realize this might 
>be rather confusing and I will maker sure to 
>send out reminder emails with the various local times for those three weeks.
>As no GNSO Council liaison has been appointed 
>yet for this group to take the lead for this 
>first meeting, I've taken the liberty to put 
>together a proposed agenda for the first 
>meeting, based on the requirements outlined in 
>the GNSO Working Group Guidelines:
>Proposed Agenda – IRTP Part D WWorking Group Meeting
>Roll Call / Statements of Interest
>Introductions – members of the WG are invited 
>tto share information regarding interests, 
>backgrounds, skills, experience especially as 
>related to any requirements in the Charter
>Principles of transparency and openness
>Election of WG Leaders – Normallly a Chair will 
>be selected at the first meeting of the WG. A 
>Working Group may elect to have co-chars, 
>vice-chairs. Once selected, the Working Group 
>Chair will need to be confirmed by the GNSO Council.
>Items for review: WG Charter, Working Group 
>Guidelines, IRTP Part D Issue Report, GNSO Policy Development Process
>Development of work plan: it is required that 
>WGs develop a work plan that outlines the 
>necessary steps and expected timing in order to 
>achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter
>Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
>As the election of a WG Chair is expected to 
>take place during the first meeting, volunteers 
>are encouraged to express their interest ahead of the meeting.
>In addition, you will find attached the GNSP 
>guidelines for Working Groups  and in this 
>context please also see this link to the PDP 
>For those less familiar with the Policy you 
>might find the training session useful that 
>James provided for the previous IRTP Part 
>are all available online.
>Do note that this script does not include any of 
>the changes that have been recently adopted and 
>which are in the process of being implemented. 
>The attachment and all other links as well as 
>additional recommended materials can be found here on the Group's Wiki Page:
>If you have any comments or questions, please let me know.
>With best wishes,
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