[gnso-irtpd] For your review

Paul Diaz pdiaz at pir.org
Fri Mar 1 13:51:17 UTC 2013


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On Mar 1, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Bob Mountain wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 1, 2013, at 6:40 AM, "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight" <michele at blacknight.com<mailto:michele at blacknight.com>> wrote:

I support both nominations

Mr. Michele Neylon

Via iPhone so excuse typos and brevity

On 1 Mar 2013, at 07:58, "Lars HOFFMANN" <Lars.hoffmann at icann.org<mailto:Lars.hoffmann at icann.org>> wrote:

Dear all,

Please find below the draft agenda for the next meeting of the IRTP Part D Working Group.

In Monday's email I forgot to include one key Action Item, namely the nomination of James Bladel and Mikey O'Conner as co-chairs for this Working Group. If there are any other members that would like to step forward also, please indicate this to the mailing list. Similarly, please show either your support of objection to either candidate.

In addition, I would like to remind you about the Doodle poll that will help fascinating the timing of a face-to-face meeting during the forthcoming ICANN 46 Meeting in Beijing. http://doodle.com/5hcgq9mg4sumgcm8

Relevant items are also posted to the wiki https://community.icann.org/display/ITPIPDWG/Next+Meeting<https://community.icann.org/display/ITPIPDWG/25+February+2013>

Draft Agenda – IRTP Part D Working Group Meeting Monday 4 March 2013

 1.  Roll Call / SOI Updates
 2.  Confirmation of Chair and co-Chair
 3.  Discussion of Work Plan
 4.  Review of Draft Input Template for SO/AC Comments
 5.  Timing and purpose of Beijing face-to-face meeting
 6.  Next steps / confirm next meeting

Best wishes,

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