[gnso-irtpd] MP3 IRTP D meeting - 14 October 2013

Julia Charvolen julia.charvolen at icann.org
Tue Oct 15 08:04:10 UTC 2013

Dear All,

The next Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part D Working Group meeting is scheduled for next Monday 21 October 2013 at 1500 UTC.

Please find the MP3 recording for the IRTP Part D Working Group call held on Monday 14 October 2013 at 15:00 UTC at:

On page:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

James Bladel - RrSG
Avri Doria – NCSG
Kristine Dorrain – NAF
Kevin Erdman - IPC
Rob Golding - RrSG
Barbara Knight – RySG
Bob Mountain - RrSG
Mikey O'Connor – ISPCP
Holly Raiche – ALAC

Paul Diaz – RySG
Chris Chaplow – CBUC

ICANN staff:
Lars Hoffmann
Julia Charvolen

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:

Wiki page:

Thank you.
Kind regards,
Julia Charvolen

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 14 October 2013:
  Julia Charvolen:Welcome to the IRTP Part D Working Group Meeting - 14 October 2013 at 1500 UTC
  Bob Mountain:Good morning all
  Rob Golding (Astutium-1471):@mikey - who initiates a TDRP if not the registrant ?
  Rob Golding (Astutium-1471):i.e. arent they all registrant initiated ?
  Mike O'Connor:registrars do today
  Lars Hoffmann:@rob - currently only registrars can initiate
  Mike O'Connor:nope - none
  Rob Golding (Astutium-1471):@Lars - but surely they do son on instruction from their client (the registrant) ?
  Lars Hoffmann:presumably that is the case but they are not obliged to follow instructions.
  Avri Doria:i reserve my right for a howl of outrage later once I understand better
  Barbara Knight-RySG:Mikey, In last week's meeting you mentioned that it may be helpful for me to participate in the sub-group meeting.  If there will be future meetings and you would like me to participate, I am happy to do that and would just need to know when they occur.  :-)
  Mike O'Connor:that would be great
  Kevin Erdman:Here is how to document non-action:  (1) copy of request, (2) affidavit that nothing happened
  Avri Doria:in thick whois - the registry
  Avri Doria:and the whole world will be thick someday
  Avri Doria:also most registrant will have some sort of evidence to present.
  Avri Doria:decsion of stand to appeal
  Avri Doria:standing
  Avri Doria:we are all familiar with that criteria for DR
  Lars Hoffmann:Kristine has just joined.
  Kristine Dorrain:My apologies, I got busy and forgot...
  Avri Doria:In thick whois, are registrars still the only ones with authoritative information?
  Holly Raiche:that works
  Bladel:SOrry, i mis read that as "thin".
  Avri Doria:I was just reponding to James' comment that the registrar is the only authoritative, whereas I thought it was fuzzier than that.
  Barbara Knight-RySG:Avri - In the case of a thick Registry, the registries would also have the registrant details as passed to them by the registrar.
  Barbara Knight-RySG:It is my understanding that the data that is in the registry database is considered authoritative under the policy.  Of course, if the registry is thin, then the registrar database information relating to the registrant details would be authoritative.
  Avri Doria:Barbara, thanks, that is what I thought.  And was basing my opinion on a role for Registries on the fact that, for better or worse, all gRegistries will be thick in the not so distant future
  Bladel:Agree that this work improves if that subteam gets a bit larger.
  Kristine Dorrain:Yes
  Holly Raiche:We are in daylight savings now
  Kristine Dorrain:Thanks!

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