[gnso-irtpd] very preliminary TDRP draft

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Mon Oct 21 05:20:27 UTC 2013

Dear Holly,
Mikey was referring to cancelling g the Friday subgroup meetings. The regular meeting today at 15 UTC (tomorrow 2am your time) will go ahead as scheduled. I had a computer issue during the weekend and was not able to send out the draft agenda. I will do so as soon as I get to the office this morning.
Best wishes

On 21 Oct 2013, at 07:00, "Holly Raiche" <h.raiche at internode.on.net<mailto:h.raiche at internode.on.net>> wrote:

Hi Mikey

Thanks for this

And am I correct in assuming that the meeting that I assumed was scheduled for Monday (Tuesday 2.00am my time) is not happening?


On 19/10/2013, at 8:01 AM, Mike O'Connor wrote:

hi all,

the drafting subteam met today and arrived at the following

-- it's probably time for us to transition this draft over to Word so that we can start reviewing and redlining in a more traditional way -- so i've converted the mind-map to a word version, which is attached

-- we drafting-team folks will give this a hard look to see if we've accidentally broken something that's in the current policy -- we'll do that review in parallel with the full working group for a while

-- we're going to take a break from our weekly meetings.  we have ideas, but we think those ideas are more policy oriented than mere drafting ideas.  once the policy decisions have been made, we'll go back into drafting-team mode to polish things up.

so for now, you're all welcome to take a look at this, but it's probably not a good version to really look hard at.  we're pretty happy with the way we've reorganized a very complicated policy to be easier to understand and revise.  there *are* a few changes in here, but they are easily removed if they conflict with the final decisions of the working group.


<TDRP-2 18-Oct-13.doc>

PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com<http://www.haven2.com/>, HANDLE: OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

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