[gnso-irtpd] FW: Self-Assessment

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Thu Dec 4 14:10:27 UTC 2014

Dear all, 

We have had very limited update on the self assessment. Considering that the
GNSO Council considered this an important exercise, I would like to remind
you kindly to take part in this self-assessment exercise.

Many thanks and best wishes,
http://irtp-d.questionpro.com <http://irtp-d.questionpro.com/>

From:  Lars HOFFMANN <lars.hoffmann at icann.org>
Date:  Tuesday, 25 November 2014 09:36
To:  "gnso-irtpd at icann.org" <gnso-irtpd at icann.org>
Subject:  Self-Assessment

Dear all ­ I am writing on behalf of James, the Group¹s Chair, and would
like to ask you kindly to read carefully through the message below. Many
thanks and best wishes, Lars
http://irtp-d.questionpro.com <http://irtp-d.questionpro.com/>

Dear  IRTP Part D Working Group Members,
On 26 March 2014, the GNSO Council approved a process and questionnaire for
Working Groups to conduct Self-Assessments when their work has been
substantially finished. The goal is to provide Chartering Organizations,
such as the GNSO Council, important information about how well its Working
Groups are functioning through an examination of their Inputs -> Processes
-> Outputs ultimately leading to continuing improvements.
Our Working Group has been identified to participate in this process the
details of which are provided below:
* The survey tool is hosted by QuestionPro at this link:
http://irtp-d.questionpro.com <http://irtp-d.questionpro.com/> . Please do
not share this link with anyone other than our team members.
* Background information and instructions are contained within the
instrument. There is no login requirement, so you will not need user
* Simply answer the questions (most use a 1-7 rating scale) on each page (7
total) and, when you reach the end, click ³Record My Answers!² If you
receive a ³Thank You² response, your feedback was successfully populated.
There is a provision to Save and Continue Later if you are interrupted and
cannot finish the survey in one session.
* Based upon earlier testing with another WG, the survey should take between
15-30 minutes depending upon the number of comments you choose to provide.
* If you would like to browse the questions in advance, they are published
on the ICANN Community Wiki at:https://community.icann.org/x/nTXxAg.
* The survey will be open for two weeks and will close on: Tuesday 16
December 2014  (23:59 UTC)
An external ICANN consultant, Ken Bour (ken.bour at verizon.net), will monitor
the completion process, provide brief status updates to me and Lars Hoffman,
and be available to provide technical assistance if needed by any of our
team members. He will also be the only person who has access to your
individual responses according to the following clause which you will see on
the questionnaire welcome page:
Confidentiality: We will be asking you for identifying information to ensure
that each response is valid. Your individual responses will not be
accessible by anyone other than the ICANN Staff Administrator and they will
not be disclosed or published in a way that could be matched to your
Once the survey period has closed, Ken will produce a report summarizing the
findings which will be shared with our team, the GNSO Council, the
Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, and other interested parties.
I appreciate your willingness to provide feedback about the IRTP Part D
Working Group and your participation in it.

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