[gnso-irtpd] First draft on Locking Language

James M. Bladel jbladel at godaddy.com
Mon Feb 3 15:35:41 UTC 2014

Mikey & Team:

Excellent stuff, and I'm happy to lead the discussion of initial recommendations based on Mikey's report.  However, I thought there were other (or at least one) other draft floating out on the list?  We should make sure any of those edits are captured here also.

Talk with you in a few minutes...


From: Mike O'Connor <mike at haven2.com<mailto:mike at haven2.com>>
Date: Monday, February 3, 2014 at 7:56
To: "gnso-irtpd at icann.org<mailto:gnso-irtpd at icann.org>" <gnso-irtpd at icann.org<mailto:gnso-irtpd at icann.org>>
Subject: Re: [gnso-irtpd] First draft on Locking Language

hi all,

sorry this is so late - the week kinda ran away from me.

i bashed through the "recommendations" portion of the report and gave it a bit of a scrub.  we can use this as the basis of the call today if you want.


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