[gnso-irtpd] Example email string

rob.golding at astutium.com rob.golding at astutium.com
Wed Feb 5 21:49:21 UTC 2014

> See the chain of emails from someone desperate for their registrar to
> file a TDRP-the registrar is refusing.

Whilst I sympathise with the Registrant who has 'lost' control of the 
domains, the transfers were 'valid' in that they went through the normal 
transfer processes, were authorised by the contacts on the domain, and 
they were started by correctly logging into the losing registrar.

If the details are exactly as described in the PDF I'd suggest they
* first file a report with the police
* go see their legal representative
* contact the registries concerned
* formally write to ICANN (as nothing in there indicated they had 
actually raised this with icann)


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