[gnso-irtpd] Initial Report Update

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Sun Feb 9 19:25:41 UTC 2014

Hi Lars

I think we went further on the registrants' issue.  Apart from an improved ICANN website with full information, we suggested that registrants should be able to go to compliance to have them insist the relevant registrar take action on behalf of the registrant when an ICANN policy/requirement has not been complied with - and this possibility of action by compliance be included in the FAQ/website



On 07/02/2014, at 2:42 AM, Lars Hoffmann wrote:

> Dear all,
> Please find attached an updated version of the Initial Report.
> I have accepted all changes made by Mikey in last week's draft since there were no objections to them on the call. I have then focused the edits on  changes to WG Observations and Recommendations – based on the outcome of Monday's call. I have not yet combined the sections of Issue Description and WG Observations that was suggested by the Group but it is on the list for the next update.
> Best wishes,
> Lars
> <GNSO Initial Report V2.docx>

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