[gnso-irtpd] Survey Assessing Consensus Level

Mike O'Connor mike at haven2.com
Sat Feb 22 12:50:35 UTC 2014

hi all,

we’ve got some discussion points in here that we need to try to get through on the list and the call next week.  so *PLEASE* read the document that Lars has prepared and let’s have at it.

topics that caught my eye:

- whether to eliminate the first-level (registry) DRP layer.  turns out we’re not as unified on this one as i thought.  so let’s work on that a bit

- a bit more fleshing out of the impact/benefits of extending the statute of limitations from 6 to 12 months seems in order

- some conversation about the “above the fold” placement of the help links on the ICANN site

proving that the survey was a pretty good device to trigger comments!  


On Feb 22, 2014, at 3:55 AM, Lars Hoffmann <lars.hoffmann at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> In preparation for our meeting on Monday, please find attached a summary of the comments received (intended to facilitate theWG's review during Monday's call). 
> In total we received 10 completed surveys* and those names that do not appear in the overview marked their responses with 'no objections'.
> Best wishes
> Lars
> *Survey Participants:
> Simonetta Batteiger
> James Bladel
> Chris Chaplow
> Kristine Dorrain
> Rob Golding
> Volker Greimann
> Barbara Knight
> Bartlett Morgan
> Mikey O'Connor
> Holly Raiche
> <Consensus Level Survey.doc>

PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE: OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

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