[gnso-irtpd] First draft on Locking Language

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Mon Jan 27 22:02:56 UTC 2014

On 27-Jan-14 16:39, Avri Doria wrote:
> Hi,
> The duties of the ombudsman are under negotiation.

This is perhaps a slight exaggeration.  There is a recommendation from 
ATRT that the ombudsman role be negotiated.

However, that doesn't change my argument. But figured I should fess to 
the exaggeration.

> I am not suggesting
> we add any ombudsman responsibility, but rather that whatever the case,
> if whenever is involved then it counts.  This may be perhaps because
> compliance has not been forthcoming or because it is sometimes difficult
> to discern between a grievance and a well formed compliance case.
> avri
> On 27-Jan-14 16:08, Dorrain, Kristine wrote:
>> Currently, Compliance handles specific instances of failing to lock.
>> They have a little tool on their site.
>> In my chats with the Ombudsman, these are not the types of disputes
>> he's installed to examine.
>> In my opinion, these do not rise to some formal investigation and
>> lengthy letter writing process.  Compliance's tool is pretty quick and
>> their 3-2-1 process has finally developed some refinement.  I think we
>> need to defer to the established processes.
>> The Ombudsman is for grievances not contractual non-compliance.
>> Just my thoughts...
>> Kristine
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org [mailto:owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org]
>> On Behalf Of Avri Doria
>> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 3:04 PM
>> To: gnso-irtpd at icann.org
>> Subject: Re: [gnso-irtpd] First draft on Locking Language
>> Hi,
>> I would also look for notice of ombudsman process in the condition for
>> maintaining the Register Lock.
>> I think anywhere we indicate possible legal process, we should also
>> include possible ombudsman process - the low cal court-substitue
>> avri
>> On 27-Jan-14 11:01, Volker Greimann wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> this is still a bit bloated, but it captures what James and I had
>>> discussed in the previous week:
>>> "When receiving a notice of a transfer complaint by the previous
>>> registrant within X months after the transfer from the losing
>>> registrar, the gaining registrar shall place the domain name under
>>> registrar lock.
>>> The registrar lock shall be removed after 30 calendar days unless the
>>> gaining registrar receives notice of the pendancy of legal proceedings
>>> between the original registrant and the current registrant, in which
>>> case the lock shall remain in place until the case is decided or
>>> dismissed. /If both the gaining and losing registrar (or, in cases
>>> involving multiple transfers, the current registrar and the registrar
>>> filing the dispute) agree, then the transfer(s) may be reversed before
>>> applying the lock. //Any fees charged for reversed transfers under
>>> this policy shall be refunded by the respective registry. No ICANN
>>> fees shall apply."
>>> /
>>> --
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