[gnso-irtpd] MP3 IRTP D - Monday 27 January 2014

Julia Charvolen julia.charvolen at icann.org
Mon Jan 27 23:17:54 UTC 2014

Dear All,

The next Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part D Working Group meeting will be held on Monday  03 February 2014.

Please find the MP3 recording for the IRTP Part D Working Group call held on Monday 27 January 2014 at 16:00 UTC at:


On page:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

Mikey O'Connor – ISPCP
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Volker Greimann – RrSG
James Bladel – RrSG
Angie Graves - CBUC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Kristine Dorrain – NAF
Avri Doria – NCSG
Chris Chaplow – CBUC
Kevin Erdman – IPC
Barbara Knight - RySG

Paul Diaz – RySG
Marika Konings

ICANN staff:
Lars Hoffmann
Berry Cobb
Julia Charvolen

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:

Wiki page:

Thank you.
Kind regards,
Julia Charvolen

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 27 January 2014:
Lars Hoffmann:Welcome to the IRTP Part D PDP Working Group meeting, Monday 27 January 2014
  Volker Greimann:Herr me?
  Lars Hoffmann:I am not dialed in yet ....
  Julia Charvolen:Hello  Volker, are you trying to speak in AC?
  Bladel:Herr Greimann.
  Graeme Bunton:hoot hoot, holler holler
  Berry Cobb:This is for you JB:  http://www.dupontregistry.com/autos/search/DRauSearchDetails.aspx?itemid=1112521#.T5yeUvFU2xE.facebook
  Volker Greimann:"When receiving a notice of a transfer complaint by the previous registrant within X months after the transfer from the losing registrar, the gaining registrar shall place the domain name under registrar lock. The registrar lock shall be removed after 30 calendar days unless the gaining registrar receives notice of the pendancy of legal proceedings between the original registrant and the current registrant, in which case the lock shall remain in place until the case is decided or dismissed. If both the gaining and losing registrar (or, in cases involving multiple transfers, the current registrar and the registrar filing the dispute) agree, then the transfer(s) may be reversed before applying the lock. Any fees charged for reversed transfers under this policy shall be refunded by the respective registry. No ICANN fees shall apply."
  Berry Cobb::-)
  Julia Charvolen:Chris Chaplow joined the Adobe Connect
  Julia Charvolen:and phone bridge
  Kristine Dorrain:I'm missing most of the audio...going to try to re-connect.
  Julia Charvolen:Avri Doria joined the Adobe Connect
  Volker Greimann:Berry, is she really that small?
  Julia Charvolen:@ Kristine - Please let me know if you want a dial out
  Avri Doria:yeah, but not hearing anything so i guess i better go find a phone.
  Avri Doria:oh hearing now.
  Avri Doria:and now, not.
  Mike O'Connor:ii'll break in as soon as this thought gets finished.
  Avri Doria:and again.
  Avri Doria:i can again
  Julia Charvolen:Let me check with operator
  Graeme Bunton:working fine for me
  Avri Doria:working now.
  Bladel:Pause to allow folks to dial in?
  Avri Doria:move on
  Chris Chaplow:Just checked and audio sound good to me
  Barbara Knight-RySG:I vote for dialing into the bridge as that seems to be working
  Avri Doria:we can dial in once we give up on technology.  we dont need a break, but thanks for offering.
  Avri Doria:at least i dont need a break.
  Bladel:Dialing in is just a different flavor of technology. :)
  Kristine Dorrain:I will dial in, but the video is also continually trying to reconnect...not sure if that's just me.
  Avri Doria:it is so antique it is hard to think of it as tech.
  Mike O'Connor:weird.  no video stuff going on here.
  Avri Doria:and people working i=on internet tech having to rely on telecomms is pathetic.
  Bladel:Agree.  We s hould switch to Google Hangouts?
  Kristine Dorrain:+1
  Kristine Dorrain:At this moment, i'm hearing you all ok...it appears my audio "may" be connected now...we'll see
  Kristine Dorrain:Interestingly, we "accidentally" published the last one.
  Kevin Erdman:Then we better put those provisions in writing
  Volker Greimann:same issue again?
  Mike O'Connor:too loud -- lots of distortion
  Holly Raiche:Just what I was thinking
  Graeme Bunton:super loud!
  Avri Doria:and REALY LOUD
  Mike O'Connor:here's their James/Volker's language again
  Mike O'Connor:"When receiving a notice of a transfer complaint by the previous registrant within X months after the transfer from the losing registrar, the gaining registrar shall place the domain name under registrar lock. The registrar lock shall be removed after 30 calendar days unless the gaining registrar receives notice of the pendancy of legal proceedings between the original registrant and the current registrant, in which case the lock shall remain in place until the case is decided or dismissed. If both the gaining and losing registrar (or, in cases involving multiple transfers, the current registrar and the registrar filing the dispute) agree, then the transfer(s) may be reversed before applying the lock. Any fees charged for reversed transfers under this policy shall be refunded by the respective registry. No ICANN fees shall apply."
  Mike O'Connor:"When receiving a notice of a transfer complaint by the previous registrant within X months after the transfer from the losing registrar, the gaining registrar shall place the domain name under registrar lock.
  Mike O'Connor:The registrar lock shall be removed after 30 calendar days unless the gaining registrar receives notice of the pendancy of legal proceedings between the original registrant and the current registrant, in which case the lock shall remain in place until the case is decided or dismissed.
  Mike O'Connor:If both the gaining and losing registrar (or, in cases involving multiple transfers, the current registrar and the registrar filing the dispute) agree, then the transfer(s) may be reversed before applying the lock. Any fees charged for reversed transfers under this policy shall be refunded by the respective registry. No ICANN fees shall apply."
  Volker Greimann:This needs tuning, the draft was just intended as a basis for discussion
  Avri Doria:i am comfortable as long as it is reversable
  Avri Doria:and ombudsman
  Kristine Dorrain:I don't think the ombudsman intervenes here.  We've talked.
  Graeme Bunton:thx
  Julia Charvolen:Thank you

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