[gnso-irtpd] For your review - Draft Final Report

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Mon Sep 15 13:26:35 UTC 2014

I should have said 'no obligation' rather than Œno need¹.

On 15/09/2014 15:23, "Lars Hoffmann" <lars.hoffmann at icann.org> wrote:

>Thank you for your document. I will merge this with the one Barbara sent.
>As for the RYSG email, I do not have that information - and Barbara, as a
>member of the RySG, will certainly forward if need be.
>Please note that there is no need to liaise with the various SG/C at this
>stage; rather all WG members can liaise with and gather input from their
>respective SG/C at any time they wish to do so.
>Best wishes,
>On 15/09/2014 15:04, "Arthur Zonnenberg" <azonnenberg at hostnet.nl> wrote:
>>Dear WG,
>>I also have 1 comment and 2 questions in the recommendations attached (on
>>Charter Question F unsurprisingly). I don't know how to forward this to
>>Lars can you share their e-mail address with me?
>>I will see you 2 hours from now, if all is well.
>>Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
>>Arthur Zonnenberg
>>Product Manager
>>Hostnet bv
>>tel: +31.207500834
>>fax: +31.207500825
>>mail: azonnenberg at hostnet.nl
>>website: https://www.hostnet.nl
>>> On September 12, 2014 at 10:24 PM "Knight, Barbara"
>>><BKnight at verisign.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Because I may not be able to attend the meeting on Monday (I am going
>>>to try
>>> to rework my schedule since there are no others available from the RySG
>>> attend), I wanted to provide my feedback on the latest version of the
>>> report.  I have inserted some comments / recommended edits in the
>>> I have also forwarded this along to the RySG, accompanied by my insight
>>> the report, and have asked for any feedback.  Thanks much.
>>> Barbara Knight
>>> Director of Registry Compliance
>>> bknight at Verisign.com
>>> m: 703-622-1071 t: 703-948-3343
>>> 12061 Bluemont Way Reston, VA 20190
>>>  <http://www.verisigninc.com/> VerisignInc.com
>>> From: owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org [mailto:owner-gnso-irtpd at icann.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Lars Hoffmann
>>> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 7:58 AM
>>> To: gnso-irtpd at icann.org
>>> Subject: [gnso-irtpd] For your review - Draft Final Report
>>> Importance: High
>>> Dear all,
>>> Following my messages from earlier this week,  please find the proposed
>>> agenda below. For you information, no proposed changes/amendments have
>>> sent in, so we are still operating under the assumption that " there is
>>> consensus among the Group for all recommendations as they currently
>>> meaning we anticipate only minor non-substantive edits from here on
>>> (see also below).
>>> The latest version of the Draft Final Report is also attached to this
>>> Proposed draft agenda for IRTP Part D PDP WG, Monday 15 September 15:00
>>> 1. Roll Call/SOI Update
>>> 2. Determining consensus level on recommendations
>>> 3. Review next steps and confirming next meeting
>>> Very best wishes,
>>> Lars
>>> From: Lars HOFFMANN <lars.hoffmann at icann.org>
>>> Date: Wednesday, 10 September 2014 21:48
>>> To: "gnso-irtpd at icann.org" <gnso-irtpd at icann.org>
>>> Subject: [gnso-irtpd] For your review - Draft Final Report
>>> Dear all,
>>> Please find attached the latest version of the Final Report. Changes to
>>> last version are redlined. Please see especially pages 16, 18, 20, 24,
>>> and 28 - where the Group addressed the GDD comments during our last
>>> Please note that we are approaching fast the LA submission deadline: 22
>>> September 2014.
>>> Based on the discussion during the last calls, the assumption is that
>>> is consensus among the Group for all recommendations as they currently
>>> stand, meaning we anticipate only minor non-substaitve edits from here
>>> out. If you do not agree with this statement and/or plan to submit a
>>> minority statement, please indicate this on the list or, at the latest,
>>> during our next meeting, Monday 15 September.
>>> Many thanks and best wishes,
>>> Lars
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