[GNSO-PDP3Dot0-DT] Improvement #5 - Optimal use of GNSO Council liaisons to PDP WGs

Darcy Southwell darcy.southwell at endurance.com
Mon Aug 26 15:25:35 UTC 2019

Hi, Berry.  Please request access to the Google doc and I can grant it.  Or tell me what email address to share it with.

I suggest setting up a few short meetings to discuss with those liaisons that are willing.  We can send them the discussion questions in advance.  Alternatively, we could send the questions out as a change to provide written feedback. However, that may still leave open questions that require discussion.  Either should work.


From: Berry Cobb <Berry.Cobb at icann.org>
Date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 5:49 PM
To: Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell at endurance.com>, gnso-pdp3dot0-dt <gnso-pdp3dot0-dt at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [GNSO-PDP3Dot0-DT] Improvement #5 - Optimal use of GNSO Council liaisons to PDP WGs

Hi Darcy,

Thank you for the refresher. The Goog doc link below does not allow me access. Is it just me? I tried with both my ICANN account and my personal Gmail account.

How do you propose we consult with current and prior liaisons? The questions listed below seem ripe for a simple survey, or were you contemplating inviting them to our call, or both?

Thank you.


From: GNSO-PDP3Dot0-DT <gnso-pdp3dot0-dt-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell at endurance.com>
Date: Friday, August 23, 2019 at 20:07
To: gnso-pdp3dot0-dt <gnso-pdp3dot0-dt at icann.org>
Subject: [GNSO-PDP3Dot0-DT] Improvement #5 - Optimal use of GNSO Council liaisons to PDP WGs


As a refresher, Improvement #5 is about ensuring optimal use of GNSO Council liaisons to PDP WGs, which identified as the need to “ensure that there is a clear understanding with regards to the role of the Council liaison and how he/she can assist the WG leadership. This may require PDP WG leadership teams to actively involve the liaison in leadership / preparatory meetings.”

During the January 2019 SPS, we discussed the idea of coming up with a toolkit to provide to Council liaisons.  As we look to build that, it seems like we should consult with current and prior PDP liaisons for some input.  To facilitate those discussions, I’ve prepared the following discussion questions (see Google doc here [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1eh67kgqRsAFdn5WlwjjY-5F1OxWFp-5FDl4MyOCpvzf9YQ0_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMF-g&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=ogjrd-hGSQRRlgAvP1tXLffIvF8atXXwmUCF4l5HLjs&m=rOL_ZBQS4nqKVn-NsXxBQHjKZYStFip-4ri4FxWiRBQ&s=KBtZ4ZZWMQF1lxxx7gJ8Z48nCcckcUbSrEZGi-9a1o4&e=>).  I’ve also included the questions below.

The following questions are designed to facilitate discussion with past and present Council liaisons to various PDPs about what went well, what was a challenge, and identify possible improvements. Recognizing that each PDP operates differently based upon the PDP leadership, the PDP scope, the controversial nature (or lack thereof) of the PDP issue(s), and the timelines, we’re not seeking to normalize every PDP.  Rather, these questions are designed to help inform the Council's PDP 3.0 Small Team on how to improve the Council liaison role. This may be with the development of new tools, new processes, training, etc.

  1.  Did you understand Council’s expectations of you as a liaison to a PDP?  If not, what was the gap in understanding?
  2.  Do you believe the PDP leadership understood the Council’s expectations of your role as liaison to the PDP?  If not, what do you believe the PDP leadership understood your role as liaison to be?
  3.  Do you believe the PDP working group understood the Council’s expectations of your role as liaison to the PDP?  If not, what do you believe the PDP working group understood your role as liaison to be?
  4.  Did you attend PDP working group meetings?  If so, how many (e.g., most, some, few)?  If you missed meetings, did you have an alternative way to monitor the working group’s progress?
  5.  Were you engaged with the PDP working group email list?  If not, did you have an alternative way to monitor the working group’s progress?
  6.  Did you attend PDP leadership meetings?  If yes, was it beneficial?  If not, do you feel that may have been helpful?
  7.  Did you feel empowered as the liaison to engage the PDP leadership, the PDP working group, and/or Council leadership about challenges?
  8.  What went well as a liaison?
  9.  What was your greatest challenge as a liaison?
  10. What would you have found helpful to perform your liaison duties more effectively (e.g., tools, information, training, etc.)?

Please review and provide your edits/suggestions/comments in the Google doc.


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