[Gnso-ppsai-pdp-wg] definitions of relay, publication, reveal

Campillos Gonzalez, Gema Maria GCAMPILLOS at minetur.es
Tue Feb 11 12:34:57 UTC 2014

Yes, I´ve seen this, Marika, but it only defines "relay" and in a very confusing way, mixing it with "reveal".

5) Relay Information Requests
See study # 20 for this term's use in context.
Problems arise from time to time in connection with registered names. Allegations of
actionable harm require copyright and trademark owners, law enforcement officials and
others to be able to operate through a proxy or privacy service provider to contact the
domain name user. Potential "harms" could include suspected fraud, intellectual property
rights infringement, or the infringement of other civil or criminal laws. To support the
relay of information requests, service providers must have reliable and timely means of
communicating with their domain licensees. The ICANN Registrar Accreditation
Agreement stipulates that the proxy registrant reveal the identity of the domain licensee
upon reasonable evidence of actionable harm or risk liability for resulting harm.

So, I insist definitions of "relay", "reveal" and "publication" are included in the "Grouping of Charter Questions" paper or else, referenced to a document that provides its meaning in the context of Proxy-Privacy Services.

Thank you again and best regards,


De: Marika Konings [mailto:marika.konings at icann.org]
Enviado el: martes, 11 de febrero de 2014 13:16
Para: Campillos Gonzalez, Gema Maria
Asunto: Re: definitions of relay, publication, reveal

Dear Gema,

I think that refers to the attached document which is also posted on the WG wiki (background documents - see https://community.icann.org/x/XSWfAg).

Best regards,


From: "<Campillos Gonzalez>", Gema Maria <GCAMPILLOS at minetur.es<mailto:GCAMPILLOS at minetur.es>>
Date: Tuesday 11 February 2014 12:50
To: Marika Konings <marika.konings at icann.org<mailto:marika.konings at icann.org>>
Subject: definitions of relay, publication, reveal

Dear Marika,

Where exactly can I find the definitions for the terms in the heading? In footnote 7 of the "Grouping of Charter Questions" paper, there is a reference to the "Terms of Reference for GNSO Whois Studies (refer to WG Background Documents).", but I am not able to find that document. Could you please point me to the paper I have to look up?

Thank you so much,


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