[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] WG Leadership

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Thu Jan 28 15:51:20 UTC 2016

When I volunteered for this WG, I did so with the sincere intention of participating actively as a member and not as a leader, but I have been requested by several people to  consider serving on the leadership team and have decided to put my name forward for WG consideration.  As I say at the end of the information I provide below, I want to be clear that I can only commit at this time to serve in a leadership capacity for Phase 1.  In that regard, I believe that Phase 1 is very critical because it will largely influence whether Phases 2 & 3 will happen and will set the tone for the rest of the PDP.

I think that most of us realize that the CWG Stewardship and the CCWG Accountability efforts are critical demonstrations of the success of the ICANN bottom-up, multi-stakeholder model.   And, because of how contentious Whois discussions have been over the last 15 years,  I believe that the RDS PDP WG will be another critical opportunity for all of us to prove that the model works.

Please find the requested information below.

Chuck Gomes

Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any)

Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG); note that there are other RySG participants who have joined the RDS PDP WG so, if I am selected as a leader of the RDS PDP WG, I will let them be the primary representatives of the RySG.

Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated

I have been actively involved in ICANN policy development since ICANN's first full year in 1999. During that time I actively tracked all of the Whois activity and led RySG comment development efforts on many of the requests for comments, including most recently the Expert Working Group, but I was not a member of the EWG.  Recent involvement has included the following: CWG Stewardship, GNSO Review Working Party, Policy & Implementation WG, and ICANN Finance Ad-Hoc WG.

Leadership experience

Here is some of my more recent ICANN related leadership experience:

*        As part of the CWG Stewardship, I served as the lead for the development of the first two sections of the proposal and also led two design teams.

*        I co-chaired the Policy & Implementation WG.

*        I represented the RySG on the GNSO Council from 2007 to 2010.

*        I served as vice chair of the GNSO Council in 2008 and 2009.

*        I served as chair of the GNSO Council in 2010.

Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS

My personal perspective on Whois issues over the years has been one of balancing the need of access to registration data with the need for privacy.  As an employee of Verisign, the registry for .com, .net, .name and now several new gTLDs, we have customers who are on all sides of Whois issues.

Ability to devote sufficient time

First of all let me say that I have approval from my Verisign management to serve on the leadership team if the WG so decides.  Second, let me say that two of the other policy related activities that I am still involved with appear to be winding down: CWG Stewardship and GNSO Review Working Party.  Third, let me say that I can only commit to serving in a leadership role for Phase 1 because I am getting close to retirement or at least partial retirement; if possible, I plan to stay active in Phases 2 & 3 but may not be able to serve in a leadership capacity.

Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any

I am willing to serve in whatever capacity the WG supports.

My GNSO Statement of Interest can be found at:

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