[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Attendance and MP3 RDS WG Wednesday, 01 March 2016 at 16:00UTC

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Tue Mar 1 18:28:19 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the Next-Gen RDS PDP Working group call held on Tuesday, 01 March 2016 at 16:00 UTC.

MP3: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-nextgen-rds-01mar16-en.mp3

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-wg/

Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/rjJ-Ag

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday, 01 March 2016

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference held on Tuesday, 01 March 2016 at 16:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:If you do wish to speak during the call, please either dial into the audio bridge and give the operator the password RDS, OR click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC room to activate your AC mics. Please remember to mute your phone and mics when not talking.

  Jennifer Standiford:Hi Terri

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Jennifer

  Patrick Lenihan:Hi Terri!

  Ayden Férdeline:Hello everyone

  Sana Ali:Good Day!

  Aarti Bhavana:Hi All!

  Grace Mutung'u:Hi everyone

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):Thanks for the change in the format of this window, i.e., larger chat room area.

  Ayden Férdeline:@Jim Agreed! Thank you very much for the larger chat window.

  Grace Mutung'u::)

  Liz Williams:could you please add me to the attendance list

  Lisa Phifer:@Liz - All connected to AC will be included in the attendance list

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Hi All

  Richard Padilla:Hello all

  Liz Williams:@stephanie...were you intending to recommend that this poll then helps us to expand the usability of the SOI system?

  Khaled Koubaa:Hi everyone

  Liz Williams:@Lisa/Marika...and then if we identify skill gaps in the poll, is it your intention to get external assistance at the appropriate time?

  Grace Mutung'u:Maybe there should be space for "other" under each sub category to rope in other expertise?

  Marika Konings:@Liz - the small team/WG will be asked to review the gaps and propose how these gaps can be addressed.

  Stephanie Perrin:I have no idea why you cannot hear me now, did someone mute me?

  Michele Neylon:Stephanie - I've been tempted :)

  Marika Konings:it will then be for the WG to decide how to proceed

  Grace Mutung'u:@ Stephanie, you are muted.....

  Stephanie Perrin:Yes that is the case Greg

  Stephanie Perrin:Perhaps Steve would like to explain the category he added

  Lisa Phifer:yes, that last row was intended ot be standalone - just "Other relevant expertise"

  Stephanie Perrin:Lets make it GAC

  Donna Austin, Neustar:I think there should be a standalone category for GAC representatives

  Lisa Phifer:We actually already know from SOIs which members indicated GAC affiliiation

  Greg Shatan:Legilslative would be Congress/Parliament and similar bodies

  Greg Shatan:I assume we have non-GAC government expertise?

  Michele Neylon:Greg - yes

  Michele Neylon:there's former govt types around

  Greg Shatan:I'm still referring to those who are investigators by profession -- they may not be investigating "criminal" activivty.

  karnika seth:there is echo in the conference audio

  Michele Neylon:exactly

  Michele Neylon:expertise not current job

karnika seth:legislative here means an officcer from law department that drafts laws/ policies

  karnika seth:if a person has more than one category of expertise , he can mark it on poll

  karnika seth:if a person has more than one category of expertise that can be indicated

  Stephanie Perrin:There is something weird going on with Adobe.  My microphone keeps getting muted and unmuted by itself.

  Lisa Phifer:To recamp on timeline: launch poll today, collect reponses thru Monday, discuss results next Wednesday

  karnika seth:I think that's perfect Lisa!

  Ayden Férdeline:How relevant are the grades of expertise (1-5) for all categories? For instance, for an individual end user, what would be the difference between someone scoring 1 and someone scoring 5? Likewise for registrants? For these two categories I am thinking a simple yes/no option may be more suitable.

  Marika Konings:Please note that this is intended to collect individual expertise, not expertise of organisations / entities

  Kathy:Stephanie: I would recommend additing NGO under Non-commercial so we don't inadvertently peg "non-profit" to US

  karnika seth:legislative can be changed to policy making if that is broadly applicable

  Lisa Phifer:@Ayden - we were hoping to keep the poll simple rather than having different answer options for some categories

  Greg Shatan:Legislative is still needed to refer experience in or with legislative bodies.

  Stephanie Perrin:@Kathy lets put Non-profit or Non-governmental organization (which is incredibly broad btw)

  Farell FOLLY (@Africa2.0):It is rather a good idea to have pre-formatted answer for the poll.. Good job Marika

  Norm Ritchie:+1 Alan

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Alan

  Scott Hollenbeck:+1!

  Beth Allegretti:+1

 Stephanie Perrin:Please let us not forget that we can list our policy experience under Other....

  karnika seth: I think then its best to have both categories legislative and policy making

  Stacie Walsh:+1

  Lisa Phifer:That's the intent of Tech/Security I believe?

  karnika seth:under technical we cover security!

  Greg Shatan:Thanks

  Stacie Walsh:+1 (for adding cybersecurity indicator) - because security policy is not necessarily technical securiyt

  Greg Shatan:Good point on P/P providers

  Lisa Phifer:@Stacie - would that be policy making? note also there's a row for cybercrime investigator (another slice of cyber)

  Greg Shatan:Agree with Stacie -- That's what I was thinking of....

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:Legislative inputs may be needed to the extent laws need to be enacted or amended to administer Whois within national domains

  Stacie Walsh:@Lisa - good question, I would categorize expertise in cybercrime as one aspect of the cybersecurity umbrella term. Basically I'm not sur ewhere I fit here

  Elaine Pruis:agree. if you don't see your expertise or a desired skill set use "other"

  Stacie Walsh:but Stepanie might have just answered that question.. haha

  Stacie Walsh:@Elaine agree, thanks!

  Lisa Phifer:Suggest adding to the intro for 2 that you should check areas that are closest to your expertise, and may elaborate in #3

  Stephanie Perrin:Sounds good Lisa!

  Lisa Phifer:@SP, I'll send the membership review team a v4 markup right after this call for final approval so that we can implement in Survey Monkey today

  Terri Agnew:@Grace, we are unable to hear you

  Grace Mutung'u:I will type the queston

  karnika seth:thanks lisa!

  Stephanie Perrin:Yes thanks!

  Lisa Phifer:Draft link: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58726559/RDS%20PDP%20WG%20Draft%20Outline%20of%20a%20Phase%201%20Work%20Plan%20prepared%2029%20February%202016.docx

  Michele Neylon:brb

  Marika Konings:I think Stephanie is referring to the IAG - Implementation Advisory Group

  Lisa Phifer:All, you may find this correspondence on your wiki on the key inputs page, and also summarized (very briefly) in the Issue Report

  Lisa Phifer:@Stephanie, what specific question would you ask the DPCs?

  Lisa Phifer:We can do this through outreach, but should formulate a question they can answer

  Stephanie Perrin:How do they view the collection, use, disclosure, retention, and escrow of personal data which ICANN mandates as data controller

  Stephanie Perrin:They have already written to us with specific guidance

  Lisa Phifer:@Stephanie, personal data in gTLD WHOIS today, or a proposed set of data proposed from this PDP?

  Stephanie Perrin:In particular, the EDPS wrote to the CEO and Board Chair, letting them know that subsequent to a decision of the ECJ, the data retention directive was thrown out, and this has implications for ICANN's escrow policies

  Stephanie Perrin:No response, last time Ichecked

  Stephanie Perrin:Forward looking, I would say Lisa.  They know we are doing this exercise, seek their advice.

  Vlad Dinculescu:+1 Kathy . I think its an excellent approach to know what we have and what limitations exist before looking at proposing other requirements.

  karnika seth 2:which data should be made available ?

  Lisa Phifer:See RAA for current gTLD data elements; Scott also noted an RFC that inventories ccTLD data - will add that to wiki

  Lisa Phifer:Would the WG like a tutorial on WHOIS data as it exists today?

  karnika seth 2:i think it will be excellent lisa!

  Stephanie Perrin:The problem is that several of the use cases are, in my view. flat out illegal.

  Michele Neylon:back

  Nathalie Coupet 2:Must leave now early to a prior engagement.

  Kathy:might be useful

  Lisa Phifer:@Stehpanie, reviewing those use cases could help the WG review which are/are not legal

  Kathy:@Greg and All: sounds like a card game -- but seriously, the order is going to be important.

  karnika seth 2:it is important to understand use and users before enlisting data elements

  Lisa Phifer:@Greg +1 that's why the EP-WG suggested that all questions be considered (at minimum) before attempting to reach a conclusion about needing a next-gen RDS and why

  Scott Hollenbeck:Users use something - data. You can't understand the users without knowing *what* they are using.


  karnika seth 2:why we need is first point than what all we need

  Lisa Phifer:Another excellent resource to understand the suggsted order is SSAC's Blind Men and an Elephant report

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@lisa - thanks for that reference - it is SAC055

  Lisa Phifer:https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-055-en.pdf

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):The point of SAC055 is to assert that the foundational problem is what is the purpose of registration data.  Are we constrained by current use?

  Lisa Phifer:@Jim - no

  Lisa Phifer:The board's motion asked the Next-Gen RDS track to consider possible future uses as well

  Liz Williams:speak up jim

  Stephanie Perrin:Could not agree more Jim!!!   +1

  Sana Ali:+1

  Greg Shatan:Ow

  karnika seth 2:purpose should or not be enlarged  or rather can or not be enlarged ?

  Lisa Phifer:The board's motion begins: "the Board directs the CEO to launch a new effort to redefine the purpose of collecting, maintaining and providing access to gTLD registration data, and consider safeguards for protecting data, as a foundation for new gTLD policy and contractual negotiations"

  karnika seth 2:I think its crucial to address this question

  karnika seth 2:thanx lisa ! i agree

  Lisa Phifer:The WG does not seem constrained by this language to existing purposes, but has been asked to define "purpose:

  Lisa Phifer:Some may find it useful to refer to page 18 of the EWG report which provides a  high-level statement of purpose that guided that group's deliberations.

  Liz Williams:Jim's point about the data for the purpose of managing the life cycle of a domain name is the most important...not for any purpose for any person for any use.  Remembering that ICANN policy development has very specific constraints as they related to contracted parties and their contracts with ICANN.

  Sana Ali:Well said Kathy

  Amr Elsadr:I agree with Kathy in terms of the order of the questions. And very much agree with Jim and Michele's comments.

  karnika seth 2:lisa can small team continue talking on this adobe connect to decide the  expertise list finally!

  Lisa Phifer:@Liz, the statement of purpose the EWG derived (with Stephanie's guidance) linked ICANN's mission and remit to purpose of registration data. While that may not be the purpose this WG ultimately agrees upon, it is a useful way to visualize possible linkage

  Scott Hollenbeck:I need to drop off in 4 minutes.

  Lisa Phifer:I can send redlined mockup to small team to review right after call

  Stephanie Perrin:Some of us are also needing to do work on the CCWG....plus pack.

  Alan Greenberg:I need to leave...

Lisa Phifer:Would 2 hr review be sufficient?

  Stephanie Perrin:Absolutely, we need to draw a line under this in my view

  karnika seth 2:very well

  Lisa Phifer:great, thank you

  Michele Neylon:thanks Susan

  Sara Bockey:Good discussion today.  Thank you all and safe travels.

  Ayden Férdeline:Thank you, Susan, for chairing today's meeting

  Sana Ali:Thakn you all!

  Vlad Dinculescu:thanks all.

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye.

  Marc Anderson:thank you

  Beth Allegretti:thanks!

  Stacie Walsh:thanks!

  Richard Padilla:Bye akl

  Massimiliano Stucchi:Thanks!

  Richard Padilla:thanks

  Farell FOLLY (@Africa2.0):thanks all

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):thanks bye all

  Kathy:safe travels, all

  Susan Kawaguchi:Thanks all!

  Wanawit Ahkuputra:thanks

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