[Gnso-rpm-data] Finalized Registrar Survey - Review by COB Today

Ariel Liang ariel.liang at icann.org
Mon Aug 27 13:07:22 UTC 2018

Dear Data Sub Team members,

Please find the finalized Registrar survey here, incorporating the feedback from the beta testers reviewed by the Sub Team: http://ICANNregistrar.cloudssi.com/login.html

By COB today (Monday, 27 August), please let staff know if there is any issue. If no substantive changes, staff will let Analysis Group proceed with preparing the launch of this survey.

Thank you!
Mary, Julie, Ariel & Berry

From: Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org>
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 9:37 PM
To: Susan Payne <susan.payne at valideus.com>, "gnso-rpm-data at icann.org" <gnso-rpm-data at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [Ext] RE: Beta Testers' Feedback on Registrar Survey - Review by COB Thursday, 23 Aug

Dear Susan and all,

Not seeing further comment by COB today, staff have forward beta testers’ suggestions to the Registrar survey, incorporating Susan’s input, to Analysis Group for implementation.

For your record, please see below the feedback we forwarded to Analysis Group.

Thank you for your time and review!

Best Regards,
Mary, Julie, Ariel & Berry

General Comment

  *   Replace “registrar” with “Registrar” and replace “registry” with “Registry” (capital R) in questions throughout the survey.

Q1: Before the beginning of a start date Sunrise period, on average, how much notice do you receive? If you have not encountered a start date Sunrise period, please select “N/A.”

  *   Add the definition of “Start Date Sunrise” and “End Date Sunrise” to provide context to the question:
     *   Start Date Sunrise: Registry must provide the Sunrise registration service for a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to General Registration and must provide 30 calendar days’ minimum notice prior to the start of the Sunrise period. Trademark-related Domains are registered on first-come, first-served (or other) basis.
     *   End Date Sunrise: Registry has no advance notice obligation to trademark owners but must provide the Sunrise registration service for a minimum of 60 calendar days prior to General Registration, and must not use a time-based allocation methods (e.g., first come, first served). At the end of the period, requested names are allocated by the Registry and a process such as an auction is used if there is more than one claim for the same domain.

Q2: How long do you think the ideal mandatory length for the Sunrise period should be (in days)?

  *   Add an open text field to ask survey takers to briefly provide rationales to their selections (if no additional cost)

Q3: What impact does the current minimum 30-day Sunrise period have on the following outcomes (relative to having no Sunrise period), respectively? Please select all that apply.

  *   Change all “Registry Operators” to “Registrars” in the first row

Q4: What impact do you think a period of 60 days would have on the following outcomes (relative to having no Sunrise period), respectively? Please select all that apply.

  *   Change all “Registry Operators” to “Registrars” in the first row

Q5: Do registries provide you with a list of reserved names?

  *   Add “regularly” before “provide” in the question

Q6: On average, how much notice do you receive of reserved names, in advance of a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) launch?

  *   Revise the question: To the extent that you receive details of reserved names in advance of a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) launch, how much notice do you receive on average?

Q7: How long should the Claims period be?

  *   Revise the question: Based on your experience of the Trademark Claims process, how long should the Claims period be?

Q8: When was the Claims Notice submitted to the customers?

  *   Revise the question: In the case of such pre-orders, when was the Claims Notice submitted to the customer?

End of survey

  *   We appreciate your time and willingness to share your experiences and opinions.

From: Susan Payne <susan.payne at valideus.com>
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 5:55 AM
To: Ariel Liang <ariel.liang at icann.org>, "gnso-rpm-data at icann.org" <gnso-rpm-data at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] RE: Beta Testers' Feedback on Registrar Survey - Review by COB Thursday, 23 Aug

Thanks Ariel.
All, see my comments below

Susan Payne
Head of Legal Policy | Valideus Ltd

E: susan.payne at valideus.com<mailto:susan.payne at valideus.com>
D: +44 20 7421 8255
T: +44 20 7421 8299
M: +44 7971 661175

Valideus August Bank Holiday Opening Hours
The Valideus office will be closed for a UK public holiday on Monday 27 August 2018, reopening on Tuesday 28 August 2018.

From: Gnso-rpm-data [mailto:gnso-rpm-data-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Ariel Liang
Sent: 23 August 2018 00:05
To: gnso-rpm-data at icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-rpm-data] Beta Testers' Feedback on Registrar Survey - Review by COB Thursday, 23 Aug

Dear Data Sub Team members (and Susan in particular),

Beta testers have reviewed the Registrar survey and provided feedback by COB on Wednesday 22 August. Test link: http://ICANNregistrar.cloudssi.com/login.html [icannregistrar.cloudssi.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__ICANNregistrar.cloudssi.com_login.html&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=dRzB-YypMqj9AZjlP_sZHORJtVF4M6AI0vip1lbQy10&m=aB0rX0NzV5xSbnURd6udKE-plkL1OGYnsqUKpPFo4qU&s=f3-GDdZ8BwhWxfDc0pdoHtYc4HbxOh654T9V0nI9128&e=>. Please see below a summary of feedback/suggestion from the beta testers (technical issues reported by the testers have been forwarded to Analysis Group directly).

Since there is no question numbering or individual URL for each question, staff took screenshots of the questions that testers had feedback and created numbering for ease of reference.

Furthermore, the Registrar survey is programed to use numeric user passwords to allow survey takers to save their responses & return to the survey to complete. Please read the instruction on the login page and report issues, if any.  You are welcome to go through the survey itself and let staff know any additional issues you have encountered.

By COB Thursday, 23 August, please be so kind to let us your input. Analysis Group will implement the changes accordingly.

Thank you for your time and help!

Best Regards,
Mary, Julie, Ariel, and Berry

General Comment

  *   Replace “registrar” with “Registrar” and replace “registry” with “Registry” (capital R) in questions throughout the survey. [Susan – no objection]

Q1: Before the beginning of a start date Sunrise period, on average, how much notice do you receive? If you have not encountered a start date Sunrise period, please select “N/A.”

  *   Add the definition of “Start Date Sunrise” and “End Date Sunrise” to provide context to the question: [Susan – good idea, see suggested edits]
     *   Start Date Sunrise: Registry must provide the Sunrise registration service for a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to General Registration and must provide 30 calendar days’ minimum notice prior to the start of the Sunrise period. Trademark-related Domains are registered on first-come, first-served (or other) basis.
     *   End Date Sunrise: Registry has no advance notice obligation to trademark owners but must provide the Sunrise registration service for a minimum of 60 calendar days prior to General Registration, and must not use a time-based allocation methods (e.g., first come, first served). At the end of the period, requested names are allocated by the Registry and a process such as an auction is used auctions are conducted if there is more than one claim for the same domain.

Q2: How long do you think the ideal mandatory length for the Sunrise period should be (in days)?

  *   Add an open text field to ask survey takers to briefly provide rationales to their selections [Susan – no objection, seems like it could be useful, but it presumably adds to the complexity (and cost?) of reviewing the responses]

Q3: What impact does the current minimum 30-day Sunrise period have on the following outcomes (relative to having no Sunrise period), respectively? Please select all that apply.

  *   Change all “Registry Operators” to “Registrars” in the first row

Q4: What impact do you think a period of 60 days would have on the following outcomes (relative to having no Sunrise period), respectively? Please select all that apply.

  *   Change all “Registry Operators” to “Registrars” in the first row [Susan – agreed.  It looks as though this question was copied over from the Ry survey and not amended]

Q5: Do registries provide you with a list of reserved names?

  *   Add “regularly” before “provide” in the question (to reflect that reserved names list is a dynamic set of data) [Susan – no objection.  In theory we might get someone who was sent the list initially but never thereafter considering this to be a “no” but I don’t think that’s necessarily a problem as we’re just trying to get an idea of how aware registrars are of what is reserved before they attempt to register a name]

Q6: To the extent that you receive details of reserved names  On average, how much notice do you receive of reserved names, in advance of a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) launch, on average how much notice do you receive?

  *   A loaded question – Registries have no obligations to notify any parties about changes to reserved names list  [Susan – maybe edit as above]

Q7: Based on your experience of the Trademark Claims process, how long should the Claims period be?

  *   Add “In this hypothetical situation” at the beginning of the question [Susan: I don’t think so.  In what hypothetical situation?  This doesn’t relate to the previous question.  Maybe we should edit as suggested]

Q8: In the case of such pre-orders, when was the Claims Notice submitted to the customer? [Susan: since this comes up on a separate page, in isolation, respondents may not realise we’re asking about pre-orders so edit to make clear]

  *   Change “Notice” to “Notices” [Susan: I don’t think this is really necessary but don’t have strong feelings either way]
  *   Add clarification, e.g., before Sunrise, after Sunrise, etc. [Susan – I think we made this an open field box deliberately]

Q9: Do you encounter challenges when sending Claims Notices for pre-order names?

  *   Add a follow up question, e.g., “What are those challenges?”, “How difficult are those challenges”? [Susan: if they tick yes then they get asked what challenges so I think this is covered]

End of survey

  *   We appreciate your time and willingness to share your experiences and opinions. [Susan: yes]

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