[GNSO-RPM-WG] Q12: TMCH Operational Considerations Proposal

Maxim Alzoba m.alzoba at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 16:42:14 UTC 2019

Hello all,

Please find 

Q12: TMCH Operational Considerations Proposal

Given the importance of the TMCH to the roll-out of new gTLDs (Sunrise period), and Claims period in those, which have passed Sunrise period by then the availability of the main TMCH database and services is a necessity. 

Accordingly, the TMCH providers must provide a better design of the TMCH system -- with improved redundancy and availability. The Implementation Review Team may want to consider requiring the creation of two virtual TMCH operators (with appropriate synchronization and redundancy).

In case where existence of only one TMCH provider is proven or regarded to be the only feasible option (either due to financial or technological reasons), the need of the better technological design will arise (not limited to two 'virtual TMCHs' inside of the TMCH platform and requirements to avoid maintenance done the way rendering the system partially unaccessible or partially functional).

Here I referred not just to the situation of the total shutdown of the TMCH, but also to situations where some of services are not properly functioning 
(example - Registries not being able to upload LORDN file, which was experienced in the last years, and which is an grand issue for Sunrise and an issue for Claims period for a new TLD).

Some TLDs have ongoing or ever extended Claims periods, not limited to 90 days of General Availability period.
Sincerely Yours,

Maxim Alzoba
Special projects manager,
International Relations Department,

Current UTC offset: +3.00 (.Moscow)

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