[Gnso-ssc] Follow up items - SSC meeting - 18 November 2020

Sophie Hey sophie.hey at comlaude.com
Wed Nov 18 21:01:26 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I would be happy to volunteer for the role of Vice Chair.


Sophie Hey
Policy Advisor
Com Laude | Valideus
D: +44 7535530404
E: sophie.hey at comlaude.com<mailto:sophie.hey at comlaude.com>

From: Gnso-ssc <gnso-ssc-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Emily Barabas
Sent: 18 November 2020 20:46
To: gnso-ssc at icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-ssc] Follow up items - SSC meeting - 18 November 2020

Dear SSC members,

Thank you all for joining today’s call. Following up on the action items below –

  *   Thank you Carlton for volunteering to serve as Chair. If anyone has feedback on Carlton serving that they were unable to share during the call, please respond on list no later than Friday 20 November.
  *   We are seeking a volunteer to serve as SSC Vice Chair. Please respond on list if you are interested in volunteering.
  *   Here is a draft poll for the evaluation of CSC Liaison candidates, based on the questions included in the EOI: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Preview/?sm=1g_2Bta8jaUYkeOOTB4NHrE8TF5Y0u0JD7dXBlAkKWmuklUyDkcH4jUdWWZPsPJUBJ . This poll is currently in “preview” mode, so your answers will not be recorded if you want to test it out. If you have any feedback about the format or content of the poll, please respond on list no later than Friday 20 November.

Kind regards,

From: Gnso-ssc <gnso-ssc-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-ssc-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org<mailto:julie.hedlund at icann.org>>
Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 20:13
To: "gnso-ssc at icann.org<mailto:gnso-ssc at icann.org>" <gnso-ssc at icann.org<mailto:gnso-ssc at icann.org>>
Subject: [Gnso-ssc] Notes and Action Items - SSC meeting - 18 November 2020

Dear SSC members,

Please find below notes and action items from today’s call on 18 November 2020 at 18:00 UTC. These also are posted to the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/display/GSSC/2020-11-18+GNSO+Standing+Selection+Committee.

Kind regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

Action Items:

SSC leadership selection for the 2020-2021 term:

ACTION ITEM: Staff will put Carlton’s name on the list for consideration as Chair (with support from Jothan Frakes, Marie Pattullo, and Raymond Mamattah); also Committee members should consider volunteering for Vice-Chair.

GNSO Non-Registry Liaison to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC):

ACTION ITEM: Staff will circulate the draft poll for SSC members to preview.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will update the SSC on Tuesday, 24 November as to the status of the EOI process and number of candidates, and ask if the SSC would like to raise with Council leadership the possibility of extending the timeline, if many EOIs are received, or none are received by the 23 November deadline.


ACTION ITEM: SSC members should confirm that they can log into the additional private wiki workspace<https://community.icann.org/display/GSSCMO/GNSO+Liaison+to+the+CSC+-+Application+Materials> where application materials will be stored. If they are having trouble with access, please email gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>


1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates: No SOI updates provided.

2. Brief review of SSC working methods:

-- Review the charter and standard working process:  SSC Charter<https://community.icann.org/display/GSSC/2.+Charter>, SSC Standard Process<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/64077672/DRAFT%20GNSO%20Standing%20Selection%20Committee%20Standard%20Process%209%20August%202017_clean.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1513188055000&api=v2>.

-- Transparency of deliberations – by default the deliberations are recorded, published, notes taken and shared on wiki.  Records are accessible to anyone who is interested.

-- In some cases you will want to keep materials private – using a private wiki.  In this selection process it was generally agreed that CVs and application materials would be on a private wiki.

-- If you are applying to be considered as a candidate in a selection process, you will need to identify a replacement from your group.

-- The current slots on the SSC are mostly filled except for a representative from the NCSG.

-- This SSC operates from Full Consensus – so the objective is to reach Full Consensus on any decisions.

3. SSC leadership selection for the 2020-2021 term:

-- Each year the SSC selects a leadership team: Chair and Vice-Chair for the coming year.  Previous Chair termed out, so the Chair seat is open.

-- The SSC should select a Chair and a Vice-Chair for the 2020-2021 term.

-- The Chair and Vice-Chair is not a heavy lift and will be supported by the Support Staff.

-- For the record: Carlton is volunteering to Chair.  Seconded by Jothan Frakes.  Thirded by Marie Pattullo.  Also supported by Raymond Mamattah.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will put Carlton’s name on the list for consideration as Chair (with support from Jothan Frakes, Marie Pattullo, and Raymond Mamattah); also Committee members should consider volunteering for Vice-Chair.

4. Introduction to assignment: GNSO Non-Registry Liaison to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC):

James Gannon, who served as the Liaison until ICANN69, will join us to talk about his experience in the role

Reference Materials: Expression of Interest [gnso.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-10nov20-en.htm__;!!PtGJab4!uIXkJzzPF6BuQqJcS_oLrp69CR-IVdXs4fjN5vJFkinE203zki64yO_62TgnmHS--wVmWuFqBw$>, Wiki workspace for this assignment<https://community.icann.org/display/GSSC/GNSO+Liaison+to+the+CSC>

-- James is a PTI Director and is speaking here on behalf of himself.

-- CSC has the oversight of IANA operations and PTI.

-- CSC meets monthly to review SLAs from PTI – overseeing the operational expertise of the PTI.

-- CSC members and Liaisons are on equal footing.

-- Role of the GNSO Liaison is to represent the non-Registry members of the community.

-- This person needs to be able to talk to all of the non-Registry groups.  Needs someone who understands the minutia of the role.  This is a very senior important role.

-- This is a process-experienced person who can apply those skills to the CSC.

-- Question: Does the role require technical skills?  Answer: Some but not very much.  The person has to have a basic understanding of how the root zone operates, but it’s more of a policy position.  Need to be able to read SLAs and understand them at a high level.

-- Question: Are there some attributes we should be looking for in candidates? What specifically were helpful traits of your colleagues on the CSC? Answer: 1) The members of the CSC who are the most effective were either present during the IANA transition or understood what happened during the transition; 2) really good understanding of PTI and of the IANA.

-- Question: What if he had a management role in their current capacity, would that help? Answer: If they come from a management background and have the knowledge of PTI and IANA they should be able to pick up the technical aspects.  The key is the basic high-level technical understanding is useful, but having the IANA transition and knowledge of PTI/IANA that is key.

-- Question: Are there qualifications in the margins? Should we be reviewing the candidates in light of other responsibilities in this role?  Would the community be better served if the person was doing this as a sole role, or who would have light duties? Answer: 1) Once you are settled into the CSC the workload is not very high.  The onboarding is pretty heavy at the start – but after that it’s a 2-4 hours-per-month commitment; 2) The candidate criteria are directly from the Bylaws so they should be taken quite seriously.

-- Suggest that the SSC should take its time to get the right candidate, even if that means an extension.

-- This person would be serving out the remainder of James’ term – through to 2021.  Person could be eligible for renewal to 2 2-year terms.  The charter does not state whether a partial term counts as a 2-year slot.  It would be a maximum of 5 years.

-- Question: How is the EOI conducted? Answer: The primary way that the EOI was distributed was through the Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies since the candidate has to be a member of an SG/C; although there was also a general announcement.

-- If we don’t get any candidates then there is likely to be a consultation with the Council leadership and the SSC to determine next steps.  Tatiana Tropina is the Ex-Officio member of the SSC from the Council leadership.

-- Question: Since James is stepping down, is there any preference to be given to his stakeholder group during the selection process. Answer: No.  This isn’t a Stakeholder Group related/representative appointment.  The position represents all non-registry groups, per the Bylaws.

-- If the role isn’t filled it doesn’t block the CSC from doing its work.


-- 23 November: Deadline to submit Expressions of Interest

-- 24 November: Poll opens for SSC members to individually complete to

organize thoughts on candidates (poll closes 24 hours before the following

SSC meeting)

-- Week of 30 November: SSC meeting to review individual responses and

discuss candidates

-- 7 December 2020: Motion deadline for December GNSO Council meeting

(placeholder motion possible)

-- Week of 7 December: Additional SSC meeting, if necessary

-- 15 December 2020: Last day for the SSC to submit recommended candidate

by full consensus

-- 17 December 2020: GNSO Council Meeting - Council votes on SSC selection


-- Given that the SSC has undergone a rotation and other groups are asking for extensions – what is the consequence if this changed to a subsequent GNSO Council meeting (such as January)?

-- If the SSC agrees that this is not possible staff can propose an alternate schedule that would be for the January GNSO Council meeting.

-- Suggest we see whether there are suitable candidates and how many.

-- Could shift the timeline by 30 days if there are no candidates.

-- This is not a formal timeline that has to be approved or set by the Council, it is just to set expectations and can be adjusted accordingly.  No need for a motion.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will circulate the draft poll for SSC members to preview.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will update the SSC on Tuesday, 24 November as to the status of the EOI process and number of candidates, and ask if the SSC would like to raise with Council leadership the possibility of extending the timeline, if many EOIs are received, or none are received by the 23 November deadline.

5. AOB:

ACTION ITEM: SSC members should confirm that they can log into the additional private wiki workspace<https://community.icann.org/display/GSSCMO/GNSO+Liaison+to+the+CSC+-+Application+Materials> where application materials will be stored. If they are having trouble with access, please email gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>

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