[GNSO-TPR] Proposed agenda for meeting #89 on Tuesday 2 May 2023 at 16:00 UTC

Caitlin Tubergen caitlin.tubergen at icann.org
Fri Apr 28 20:37:07 UTC 2023

Dear Working Group members,

Please find below the proposed agenda for the next meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 2 May at 16:00 UTC.

Kind regards,

Emily, Berry, Julie, and Caitlin

Transfer Policy Review - Meeting #89
Proposed Agenda
2 May 2023

1. Roll Call & SOI updates
2. Welcome and Chair Updates
3. Review of Small Team’s Informal Resolution Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vP9Q-EyhroHIrurlqrMWOl13_6yAQX2_y7vzteOV3fQ/edit
4. Time permitting – Draft updates from Recommendation 27, Wave 1 Items Related to TEAC and TDRP
5. AOB

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