[GNSO-TPR] Proposed agenda - TPR WG Meeting #99 - 8 August 2023

Caitlin Tubergen caitlin.tubergen at icann.org
Fri Aug 4 15:26:40 UTC 2023

Dear TPR WG members,

Please find below the proposed agenda for our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, 8 August at 16:00 UTC.

As a reminder, please complete the following homework before the next meeting:

Please review the preliminary agreements (within the orange box, beginning on p. 3 of the Working Doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gX1N8d3qoktbniRmfGE4-8Un9dPavIKQ3IZYaoe9b0E/edit?usp=sharing>) and provide comments, concerns, and proposed edits within the Google Doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gX1N8d3qoktbniRmfGE4-8Un9dPavIKQ3IZYaoe9b0E/edit?usp=sharing> in advance of the next meeting on Tuesday, 8 August.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin

Transfer Policy Review - Meeting #99
Proposed Agenda
8 August 2023

1. Welcome and Chair updates

2. Review edits to preliminary agreements for Charter Question i1 ICANN-Approved Transfer (Bulk Transfers):

i1) In light of these challenges described in section of the Final Issue Report<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/final-issue-report-pdp-transfer-policy-review-12jan21-en.pdf>, should the required fee in Section I.B.2 of the Transfer Policy<https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/transfer-policy-2016-06-01-en> be revisited or removed in certain circumstances?

3. Charter Question i2

i2) Should the scope of voluntary bulk transfers, including partial bulk transfers, be expanded
and/or made uniform across all registry operators? If so, what types of rules and
considerations should govern voluntary bulk transfers and partial bulk transfers?

  1.  Preliminary Agreements from last meeting – do these reflect what the Working Group discussed during the last meetings?

  *   Potential expansion of BTAPPA or Transfer Policy around Resellers/Service Providers
  *   The process should be transparent, and Registrants should be informed. [Registrars shall either notify or ensure their Resellers (where applicable) notify affected Registered Name Holders of the transfer (and allow opt out?)]
  *   The expiration dates of transferred registrations are not affected and, therefore, there are no ICANN fees. Once the BTAPPA is complete, there is no grace period to reverse the transfer. (current text of BTAPPA)
  *   Registry Operator must reject a BTAPPA request if there is reasonable evidence that a transfer under BTAPPA is being requested in order to avoid fees otherwise due to Registry Operator or ICANN. Registry Operator has discretion to reject a BTAPPA request if a registrar with common ownership or management or both has already requested BTAPPA service within the preceding six-month period. (current language of BTAPPA)
  *   To proceed with a partial bulk transfer, the losing registrar’s existing Registration Agreement with customers must permit the transfer of domain names in the event of the scenarios described in the Transfer Policy/BTAPPA.
  *   Registry Operator may charge a fee for a partial bulk transfer, but Registry Operators MUST provide notice to registrars of any fees associated with partial bulk transfers upon request and prior to the completion of the transfer. How Registry Operators choose to provide notice of fees will be up to the Registry to decide, i.e., password protected portal, website, written notice, etc. (this language is a work in progress but attempts to characterize WG’s thoughts on full portfolio transfers)

  1.  Discussion
4. AOB

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