[GNSO-TPR] "Poll result" CPWG discussion on Change of Registrant

Steinar Grøtterød steinar at recito.no
Tue Nov 28 15:11:00 UTC 2023

Dear all,

At the CPWG call on November 22, 2023, the Change of Registrant (CoR) policy was discussed. The objective with the discussion was to get a better understanding of the challenges the CoR creates, both for end-users and Registrars.

Theo Geurts (Realtime Registrer) was invited to the call for bringing a historic view and a Registrar experience with the CoR.

The discussion ended with an unformal “poll” (see attached result).

Recording from the call can be found on  https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=281346126.

Steinar Grøtterød
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