[GNSO-TPR] For your review: TPR recap recording + documents

Caitlin Tubergen caitlin.tubergen at icann.org
Tue Oct 24 08:22:26 UTC 2023

Dear TPR WG members,

It was great to see many of you in Hamburg.

As discussed during our session, Support Staff has been working with Leadership to prepare some materials to refresh the group on the preliminary agreements we have made over the last 980 days since the Council initiated this PDP. (For those of you who did not attend the ICANN78 session, Berry informed us that we are about to close in on 1000 days of work.)

Since it’s been a while (and thank you to everyone for sticking with this work!), we thought it would be helpful to have a brief refresher before we pivot back to our charter questions on Change of Registrant (Group 1(b)). Our Tuesday, 7 November 2023 meeting will be dedicated to this refresher exercise.

To prepare for the call, please review the following materials in advance:

  *   the recording from the 17 January WG meeting<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/M9Q6l-3ucT4SL0OiDJ0zQc9EmlMzB84MywmdUKDQqgAqglMNFztxEGAqiGIPLFzkXcRDbHgD7papQS3J.4wrRUwXfOAzd2nqW>, where Berry presented the swim lane diagram
  *   an updated swim lane diagram, which shows how the recommendations interrelate (attached)
  *   a slide deck, which provides an overview of the recommendations the group has agreed on to date (attached)

We recommend listening to the Zoom recording<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/M9Q6l-3ucT4SL0OiDJ0zQc9EmlMzB84MywmdUKDQqgAqglMNFztxEGAqiGIPLFzkXcRDbHgD7papQS3J.4wrRUwXfOAzd2nqW> first before reviewing the updated swim lane and the slide deck as these will make more sense after a refresher from the recording.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Christian, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin

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